Chapter 17

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Year 5
(From book 3-Prisoner of Azkaban)

⚠️ Minor curse warning ⚠️ 

A few days had passed and everyday I woke up the same way, but somehow today was different. The air was still and quieter in some way, the roomer dimmer than it has been. The light from the window was not it’s usual reddish brown golden hue, but instead it was crystalline and light, but just as soft- rainbow sun streams reflecting through the window.

Surely it wasn’t raining, because then I would have heard it echoing through the room. I shuffled out of the bed and my feet padded against the cold floor as I made my way to the window. How odd. No matter what, the Burrow was warm no matter what- just like the Gryffindor common room.

But as the air swirled gently around me, it reminded me just like the Slytherin common room. I opened the blinds further revealing a blanket of snow covering all that I could see. I couldn’t even tell that there was a pond anymore. Clouds were littered all over the sky, but they were transparent enough that a white sheen concentrated on making the white land sparkle.

I was halfway convinced to open the window, just so I could see the scenery in more detail. My breath was taken away- never before when growing up in that dumb manor have I seen anything so widely beautiful up close. I hesitantly stepped away from the frosted window and flounced out the door to wake up Lee, figuring he would want to help me wake up the twins. I opened the door to Ron’s room, hearing the ghoul softly snoring and saw Lee snuggled into the blankets.

But that wasn’t the only thing he was snuggled with.

Lee was laying on George's chest and if I didn’t know better, I’d say they fell asleep holding hands. I was in such shock and joy that I didn’t even notice the loud clambering going up the stairs.

“Thank Godric! There you are- I saw that George was gone, so I checked your room and you were gone too and—“

I put a hand to Fred’s mouth to stop him from talking, because he was being quite loud.

“Shhh!” I hissed urgently, knowing fully well that they could wake up at any time.

He took my hand off his mouth and whispered. “Why? What is—“

Then he saw Lee and George- and let me just say I did not expect his reaction at all. He started fanning his face with both hands quickly and kept mouthing ‘Oh my Godric’ and ‘I knew it’ repeatedly with excitement. I gaped at how excited he was, and realized how much he had grown in the last few months. And I don’t mean physically- even though it is true as well- but as a person. The fact that he was no longer judgmental towards barely anything- except Percy- certainly showed how much character he was starting to have.

Instead of being the reckless and immature boy, he was turning into a respective and charming man- but still as immature and reckless.

“Should we wake them up?” He whispered to me and ran a hand through his hair nervously.
I faltered, unsure if they would want us too or not. 

“Here,” I say, dragging Fred in front of the door. “We’ll knock and just see if they tell us or not.”

He nodded in agreement and reached over to the door, to close it. We both nodded as a signal to go and Fred knocked on the door heavily.

“Lee, are you up?!” He bellows loudly and I can’t help but smile slightly.
A loud thump came from the other side of the door, no doubt Lee or George falling off the bed. A series of whispers happened that I couldn’t pinpoint, but one of the louder sayings sounded a lot like, ‘crap, crap, crap!’ Someone was rushing around the room, and it sounded like they were leaving a whirlwind of chaos behind them.

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