Chapter 14

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Year 5
(From book 3-Prisoner of Azkaban)

"So, how about that date now?" A familiar Scottish voice asked.

I chuckled and rolled my eyes. He had already asked before, but I said he had to talk to Harry first and mean it. I was currently in the common room doing homework on the couch. I looked up and he was sitting on the table, holding out a small bouquet of lily's that slowly changed different colors- a few butterflies were landing on and flying around them too.

It was hard not to smile, especially when one of the butterflies landed on his nose. "I'd like that- but I hope you don't mean now, because it's a school night."

"Tomorrow night then, at seven." He says, as he hands me the flowers. "See you then- or you know, sooner because we talk in the mornings."

His cheeks were dusted with light pink in embarrassment and started walking up the stairs to his dorm. I started silently laughing and a lower voice joined in.

"That was the most flustered I have ever seen Wood." Lee chuckled, then sat down beside me, the ink he went to go get in hand.

Then he spotted the lily's in my lap, "He got you flowers too, that's so cute. I wish a guy would get me flowers-" then his eyes got wide once he realized what he just said.

"I knew it!" I whisper yell with excitement and start doing a little dance. Then I gasped, "It's because of George isn't it, I knew i-"

He put a hand over my mouth and hissed, "Will. You. Shut. Up."

I removed his hand and glared, "I was being quiet and George isn't even here- he's helping Fred put itching powder in the prefect's bath. Also I don't know why you haven't told me sooner, I'm so happy for you!"

He rolled his eyes and scoffed, "It's so cliche to fall for your best friend and most people aren't as accepting as you."

He went silent at the last part and after a few seconds I caught the meaning, "You're parents don't approve, do they?"

Lee shook his head sadly, "I told them over the summer and-" He winced. "-And it didn't go down too well."

"Oh Lee," I frowned, putting my homework and the flowers on the table, then hugged him. "It'll be okay. If it gets too rough you can stay with me, my parents never stay during the summer. I normally stay with the Weasley, but I could make arrangements."

He let out a low laugh and hugged back. "I'll be fine, it'll just be a little off in my house."

Then it clicked in my head and I pulled back, "You told your parents before you told your best friend... I feel hurt."

He chuckled again, his eyes welling a bit, "Considering you've been making comments about it for more than three years, I just assumed you knew."

"Touché," I laughed, and grabbed my schoolwork to start on it again. Then whispered to him, "For what it's worth, I think George likes you back."

"That's ridiculous, how could you possibly know that?" He chuckled and shook his head.

"Well I was right about you, wasn't I?" I asked, and it caused him to fall silent as he pondered it over.

We had eventually gone up stairs after all our homework was done and sat on the 'chaos bed', playing exploding snaps. Not even minutes later did Fred and George come into the room. George was soaking wet and was red all over, while Fred had a bird sitting in his purple hair. Lee and I broke into laughter looking at the pair of them. Stuff like this happened all the time and it never seemed to disappoint.

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