Chapter 12

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Year 5
(From book 3-Prisoner of Azkaban)

We walked down the corridors, taking another Marauders map shortcut, leading us to an empty class room close to the Great Hall. Yeah, the room wasn’t empty, but at least the two students were so submersed that they didn’t notice either of us. Fred was having trouble keeping a straight face as we walked out of the classroom, but when I started gagging in disgust he burst into laughter.

We walked into the Great Hall and sat down with the rest of the Gryffindor Quidditch team- including Lee, who was ‘dozing off’ on George’s shoulder. I could also tell that George knew that Lee wasn’t actually asleep and I cracked a smile. I sat down next to Oliver, while Fred sat across from me to sit by his brother.

“Nice hair.” George complimented him and Fred smiled even wider.

“Thanks, Cass did it- she wants to do yours sometime.” Fred hinted, and George rolled his eyes, but smiled at the idea.

“It’s gonna be a tough one,” Oliver said, while looking out the window at the heavy storm. He wasn’t touching a single thing on his plate.
“Oliver, at least try and eat something. Perhaps it will help with your nerves.” I state as I eat a bagel with cream cheese on it.

“Nerves? What makes you think I’m nervous? Because I most certainly am not nervous.” I gave him a look and slowly bit into the bagel. The rambling definitely didn’t help his argument.

“Yeah, Wood, we don’t mind a bit of rain.” Alicia soothed, but it made very little difference in his attitude. He looked at me again, then gave in, starting to eat some toast.

“You’ll be the death of me, you know that.” He muttered to me, after he finished the toast and my lips quirked upwards into a smile.

“And why is that, Wood?” I asked, teasing him.

He shook his head and let out a low laugh. 

“Always so persuasive.” He chuckled, ignoring the question completely, but I let that go.


The whole school had gathered in the stadiums, no doubt ecstatic about the first match of the season, but I still had no idea how they were going to be able to see the game. I joined the other underneath the Gryffindor tent, as of request of more than half the team. Oliver was trying to give a pre-match speech, but it seemed like he just couldn’t come up with the words. He tried several times, but in the end he just went out into the heavy rain and beckoned the others to follow. I followed as well, but stopped as soon as I was outside- the downpour making me soaked.

I could barely see five feet in front of me, much less the match that was going on. From what I could see, I could tell that the two captains were shaking hands and they were off. The air was so cold that I am surprised it wasn’t snowing. I could hear the muffled commentating, telling me that Gryffindor was 30 points up. Two more goals by Gryffindor went by and Oliver started calling for a time out.  Both teams landed at their different tents, but Harry was the last one to land. Oliver jogged up to me and we both went into the tent together.

“Hey, you doing okay- it's kinda cold out there.” He asked, once we were right next to the doorway.

We both stopped right by the flap and I answered, “I’m fine Oliver, it’s not that bad out there.”

He nodded, then the other players were close enough that they could hear him.

“I called for a time- out!” He shouted loudly, so that even Harry could hear him through the rain and thunder. “Come on, under here-“

They all huddled underneath the tent, and when Harry got under, he took off his glasses immediately- wiping off the mud and rain.

“We’re fifty points up, but unless we get the Snitch soon, we will be playing into the night.” Oliver said, matter-of-factly.

Once everyone realized he was just talking to Harry they all went back into the rain, so they could stay used to it. Frankly I did not agree with that strange logic.

“I haven’t got a chance with these on,” Harry said, exasperated, swinging around his glasses. “I can’t see a bloody thing.”

“May I see them Harry?” I ask, getting an idea, hoping it may help at least a little bit.

He didn’t answer with words, but instead handed them to me. I pulled out my wand and said, ‘Impervius!”
I handed them back carefully, “There, now they should be able to repel water.”

Harry took them back and I looked at Oliver to see what he was thinking. He had this odd expression on his face that I couldn’t place, and then he kissed me.

It was soft and sweet, his hands cupped both sides of my jaw. I got over the shock quickly and kissed back, my hands wrapping around his neck. And poor Harry was the one who had to witness it, seeing as he was standing directly beside us. 

It only lasted for a few seconds, and when we pulled away I couldn’t help but say, “If you needed a bit of luck, you could just ask.”

“I’ll be sure to ask next time, then.” He chuckled quietly, and let go of my face gently.

He went back into the pounding rain, then went back out to his team. Harry followed, with pure shock on his face and I chuckled.

But the smile slid off my face and went into another look of shock as I pondered the words, ‘next time’.


Happy Halloween guys (or girls or they's)!!!

I know this chapter is a little short, but it was just for Halloween and because the last update was also short.

Hope you guys are staying safe, especially at times like these.

1010 words!!! Yay!!!

Lots of love, LeRay❤

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