Chapter 5

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Year 5
(From book 3-Prisoner of Azkaban)

I stood in an empty field of waist high weeds, black smoke working it’s way quickly towards me. It surrounds me in a rounded wall, then rises up taller and taller. Suddenly it crashed onto me, leaving me in an empty inky blackness. Instead of being afraid of the dark, I welcomed it. It was almost serene, until a loud ‘Crack!’, leaving the dream to fade.

I jerk awake, gasping quietly and quickly. My chest rose and fell at my heavy breathing. I could feel the back of my oversized T-shirt sticking to the top of my back from sweat. The sweat surprised me, due to the fact that I didn’t sweat often.

I look around and see that the room was dark. I get out of bed, and tread over to the window. I pull back the curtain and almost get blinded by the sun that had just recently risen over the horizon. I guessed it was around seven o’clock, and that meant I had about fifteen minutes to myself before Fred would get up.

I made my way over to my dresser and got out a white blouse and black pleated skirt. Over the summer I had adjusted my clothes to my ‘style’. The skirt was shorter than normal, instead of falling to my knees, it fell a little past mid-thigh. The blouse no longer had pockets and was not at all baggy. My tights were just below my knees and I had thrown away my Oxford shoes, replacing them with sturdy combat boots.

I started getting dressed in my uniform, but I didn’t even bother with the wool vest, replacing it with a dark grey cropped halter vest and left the tie hanging limply on my shoulder. I started to brush my hair, then I heard a rustle of sheets behind me and I turned. I saw a shirtless red-head with some messy bed head, and a smile already on their face. I tuck a lock of my hair behind my ear and give a small smile back.

“Still haven’t learned how to tie a tie, I see.”Fred mused, his voice slightly husky from sleep. Gah he’s so cute!

I opened my mouth to argue otherwise, but closed it knowing, he was right. I turned around and began to brush my hair again. Through the mirror I could see him get up and make his way towards me. He turned me around and lifted up the tie off my shoulder. He wrapped it around the back of my neck, then started tying it.

“You’re hopeless, you know that.” He said, smiling fondly, “You really suck at tying, ties.”

“Yeah, well everyone has to be bad at something,” I state, “Just like how everyone has to be good at something.”

“Touché.” He smiles, his fingers grazing my neck as he finished the last knot, “Loose or tight?”


“Do you want your tie loose or tight fitted?” He elaborated.

Oh my stars, “Um, tight- yet breathable.” He tightened the tie slightly, and then let go, stepping back. I took the end of my gold and red tie, tucking it into my vest until it layed naturally.

“Thank you,” I whispered, meeting his brown eyes with my light blue ones ones.

“No problem,” he said, grinning, “I know you have trouble with it. I better go get dressed and ready.”

“Sure, sure.” I say, waving him off. 
I turn back around towards the small mirror on my dresser and start putting on some light makeup.

Once I finish I see George sitting up in bed with his eyes closed and Lee trying to keep his eyes open.

“WAKE UP!” I yell to the both of them, and the both jolt awake from their groggy state.

“You think after four years we would be used to that by now.” Lee groans getting out of bed.

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