chapter 8

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Year 5
(From book 3-Prisoner of Azkaban)

I took a slow step backwards, and put my hands up in a defensive position. I started to take another step back, but I stopped before my heel touched the dewy grass and became motionless.

I studied the bear- like creature and came to the quick realization that it was just a dog. It had its pink tongue lolling out of mouth and its tail was wagging out of joy. I started walking towards the large dog, but I kept my hands up and turned them into fists- so it could catch my scent.

The closer I got, the more I realized how starved, matted, and dirty the dog really was. It broke my heart to see how abused and maltreated this animal was.

My fist was inches away from the dog's snout, and I could feel it's damp nose against my skin as it sniffed me. It sat down after licking my hand, and let its guard down.

“Hey,” I murmured softly and crouched down so I could look the dog in the eyes, “Aren’t you a good girl.”

The dog growled at the word ‘girl’ making me snicker and I corrected myself, “My bad, boy.” His tail wagged and he barked happily. “ How did you end up all the way at Hogwarts?”

His apparent shoulder blades raised up and down quickly. A shrug. Clearly this was not a normal dog and he was very intelligent.

“Mhmm, well I don’t believe you.” I said confidently and he scoffed, then tilted his head. “What?”

The dog pulled at my sweater sleeve with his teeth, but gentle enough to where none of the strings were pulled out of place. “It's a sweater, it keeps me warm.” He shook his head and pulled again, then pawed the green grass. 

“I don’t understand…” I said trailing off and I frowned slightly. He huffed then stalked off, back into the dark trees. Well that was short and what a strange dog.

“Hey!” I called, but it was too late- the strange animal was already gone. I waited a few more seconds, but then turned and started walking back to pick up my broom. I heard a muffled yelp, so I spinned around quickly and sure enough- there was the massive black dog trotting towards me. I sighed in annoyance and walked back to where I was before.

The dog had already sat down and was shifting things in the grass with his snout. I sat down and peered at what he was trying to make. In a row there was a green leaf, a red pine cone, a yellow leaf, and a blue flower. Green, red, yellow, and blue. Realization hit me like a Firebolt. Those were the individual house colors; he must be wondering what house I’m in.

“Oh, those are the house colors!” His tail wagged and smiled- which told me I guessed correctly.

“I could’ve been color blind, you know.” He shrugged and pawed at the nature objects he brought back.

“Oh, right. Well I’m in Gryffindor.” He looked at me quizzically and tugged at my sweater again. “You thought I was in Slytherin because of my green sweater? Hmm, no- I just like the color green.” He shook his head as if that made no sense at all.

“, Bear- yeah that’s a good name.” He let out a small chuckle, “I have to go to the feast, but I can come back later and get you some food. Answer your… questions? I can't stay today because I have Astronomy, but I’ll stay all the other days.I promise.”

He nodded and lifted his paw, assuming he wanted me to shake on it-  I grabbed his paw and bid him goodbye. He was definitely the strangest dog I’ve ever encountered, if he even was a dog. I wasn’t absolutely positive that he was. I mean kneazles are known for their human- like intelligence, but I’m not too sure if there’s a dog version of that. I walked towards the castle while pondering the strange creature I had just encountered. One thing was certain,, Bear was definitely not a regular muggle dog. 

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