**✿❀ Prologue ❀✿**

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*Some things in this story won't make much sense, but I wanted to stick to something like this. I couldn't come up with an excuse. You'll know when it comes. Just play along and enjoy*

Japan, August 16

The cold evening sky was painted with splashes of orange, pink, and purple as the sun began to fade, and stars began to take its place. The cold and slightly dampened grass tickled their feet as they walked along the riverbank, sounds of a babbling brook drowned out his thoughts in wonder of where he was being taken to. A stick snapped and pricked at his bare foot, causing him to stumble in his steps a bit and yanked on the hand that was dragging him along.

"Come on, (Y/n), give me back my powers, already! It's hard to know where I'm going when I have a clumsy guide like you." Kusuo mumbled the last part, almost tempted to lift up his blindfold that was forced over his eyes. The hand that held his squeezed tighter.

"No! When it's just us, I want it to be just us! Not the thoughts of others! I want to be the only thing on your mind, not other people!" The girl giggled as she began to slow her fast pace, causing the boy behind her to bump into her slightly.

"Besides-" the girl said, and then let go of Kusuo's hand. He waited, listened for something, to indicate what was going to happen next. He flinched a bit when he felt a pair of hands make their way up his cheeks and to the cloth covering his eyes, before feeling the pressure being lifted, and his sight returned. He looked up at his friend before anything else, feeling comforted by her warm smile and (h/c) hair that swayed with the cool August breeze.

"It's our last day together. Allow me to be a little selfish." She blushed a little bit, before turning to look into the water. Now, as Kusuo began to look around at their surroundings, he could see that they were at their secret place to meet up. He watched his friend make her way over to the huge willow tree that was beside the river bank, along with seeing a blanket with a special gift wrapped box. She sat down and patted the blanket next to her, motioning for him to come and join her. Kusuo did so, trying to find a comfortable position as the grass made its way through the blanket and irritatingly pricked at his legs and feet. (Y/n) reached behind her and grabbed the box, setting it in Kusuo's lap. Kusuo's eyes immediately lit up, knowing what was inside the box. The girl next to him just laughed as he tore through the wrapping and pulled out a plastic container with coffee jelly inside of it, along with a spoon.

"Did you really think I'd forget to make it this year?" The girl questioned as she picked up a candle and a match placed elsewhere, and waited for Kusuo to take off the lid of her homemade desert so she could place the candle on top. Kusuo did so, mouth drooling the entire time. She placed the candle in the center, and lit the match, and scooted away enough so Kusuo could blow out that candle.

"Happy Birthday, Kusuo. Make a wish!" The girl smiled brightly as Kusuo nodded, and blew out the candle.

"So? What did you wish for? Wait! Don't tell me or else it won't come true! Silly me!" The girl then playfully slapped her head as Kusuo laughed at her stupidity, and began to eat his desert.

'Please don't leave me, (Y/n).'


"So, what would you like to do now?" (Y/n) asked as she and Kusuo cleaned up and packed everything. The boy thought about it, and blushed a bit, thinking of what he would like.

"...Could I... Maybe lay on your lap?" Kusuo couldn't help but look at the ground after making his request. The girl just looked at him for a moment, before grabbing his hand and smiling.

"Of course!"

She then walked over to the tree before she sat down onto her legs, fixing her skirt and looked up at Kusuo, showing him that she was ready. The boy quickly made his way to her, before sitting down himself, then shifted to a laying position, using her thighs as a pillow.

"Is this okay?" (Y/n) asked, looking down at her friend.

"Y-Yes..." Kusuo mumbled, but (Y/n) could tell that there was more on his mind.

"AnYtHiNg else?" She questioned. Kusuo looked away, obviously flustered.

"...And... Play with my hair?" His words were barely audible, but she understood. She smiled as she reached her hand, one laying on his shoulder and the other atop his head. She slowly began to run her fingers through his hair, occasionally twirling with a couple of strands. Hearing Kusuo let out a pleasurable sigh, she continued and began to hum a tune none of them knew. One that she was making up from the top of her head.

One that Kusuo would remember everyday afterwards.


6 Years Later

America, August 16

"(Y/n)! You're making a mess!" (Y/n)'s father yelled from the other room. Although not being able to see for himself if it was true, he trusted the sounds of falling pans and shuffling feet as a sign of him being right.

"Sorry! I'll clean all of it up!" She said as she placed the pan into the fridge to let it set. She wiped her hands on her sides and began to clean up around her, mainly the several pans that scattered the floor. After about 30 minutes of cleaning, she opened up the fridge and took the pan out, placing the content onto a plate before grabbing a bag of whipped cream and began to decorate the top and the sides of the desert.

"That looks delicious! Can I have so-"

"NOT for you." She snarled as she grabbed a single candle and a match. She picked up the plate and began to walk into the living room.

She placed the plate onto the floor, and began to hum a song she had made up several years earlier as she placed the candle into the center of the desert and lit it.

"Make a wish, Kusuo..." She smiled sadly down at the desert.

Strangely enough, a few seconds later, a sudden breeze blew out the candle.


"HAPPY BIRTHDAY, KUSUO!!!" Everyone yelled at confetti cannons fired, getting confetti in Kusuo's hair and all over the floor which he knew he would have to clean up later due to his lazy parents.

He hated this.

He hated everything about this.

Nendou and Kaidou occupied one part of the table, yelling back and forth about how much of the birthday boy's desert was allowed to be eaten by others, his parents cooed at teach other like heated pigeons on the other side, and Teruhashi clung to his arm, playing with the string on his birthday party hat.

"Oh Ku, aren't you going to make a wish?" Kusuo's mother asked, causing everyone to look expectantly his way. He sighed, looking at the coffee jelly in front of him with 17 lit candles. Kusuo used his heavy sigh he was saving just for this moment to blow out the candles, and to everyones surprise, it worked. As everyone cheered, Kusuo looked at his jelly with a dull expression, before scooping up a bit and taking a bite.

"How is it, Kusuo?" Teruhashi asked, still clung to his arm like a sloth to a tree.

6 years prior, Kusuo had a coffee jelly that was much better. No other coffee jellies could compare to the one his best friend would make him every year. But of course, he couldn't tell them that. Instead, he just hummed in approval, going in for another bite.

'I want you to come home,  (Y/n).'

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