**✿❀ Chapter Ten ❀✿**

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"Seriously? You guys are heading back?" Kuboyasu asked in disappointment.

"I'm sorry, but you guys can stay as long as you want." You reassured them

"They probably have to synchronize poop!"

"Nendou will you shut up?! You shouldn't say stuff like that so loudly!" Kaidou lectured as you and Kusuo began to walk away from the beach with your stuff in hand. Kusuo watched you as you continued to yawn, despite it being 4 in the afternoon.

"Why did you want to go so early? Not that I'm complaining." Kusuo asked.

"I've just been really tired lately. I swear I'm becoming nocturnal." You joked a bit and clutched your bag tighter in your hand.

"But hey, all I've really eaten today was that shaved ice. Do you want to get something to eat?" You asked with a smile on your face.

"Sure, that sounds good. Anything in mind?" Kusuo asked and gently reached towards your bag, offering to carry it for you. You handed it to him and smiled sweetly.

"I'm in the mood for some ham fried rice, or maybe stir fry." You stated quietly but then quickly turned to Kusuo.

"But we can go wherever you want, since I made you go to the beach with me."

"No need, eating that shaved ice and seeing you in a swimsuit was plenty. Let's go get you that ham fried rice." Kusuo smiled. You swore you could see a faint blush on his face, but you weren't sure.

"Sounds perfect."


"Thank you for going with me today. I actually have been practicing my baking and have a few deserts at home if you wa-"

"Take me. Right now." Kusuo said eagerly.

'That could be taken out of context... Good thing he can't read my mind.' You laughed nervously.

As the two of you turned your street corner, you noticed a taxi parked in front of your house.

"I wonder who that is..." You mumbled to yourself. The person in the cab got out and began walking towards your house. They noticed you and Kusuo and waved.

"Oh, Y/n!"

"Huh? Toriyama? What are you doing back early? You told me you'd be here on Sunday." You smiled and walked to Toriyama with Kusuo.

"Well, they got me a sooner flight home. It's good to see you're adjusting well."

"I can't thank you enough for letting me stay with you, Tori."

Kusuo just listened as you and Toriyama conversed with each other.

'This man is Fuyuhiko Toriyama, Y/n's cousin, and since this is a book, I'll tell you his appearance because I'm nice like that. Toriyama is a 21 year old engineering genious with black hair, kind of like Kaido's, and green eyes. He graduated from high school at 14, graduated college at 18 and majored in engineering. He now works on airplanes and travels all over the country. He's letting Y/n live with him for free. All she has to do is look after the house and keep it tidy. Despite his wealth, Toriyama lives an honest, humble lifestyle. You got the gist?'

Kusuo thought and walked into the house with you and Toriyama.

"Just call me Fuyuhiko. We live in the same house after all. By the way, who's this?" Fuyuhiko asked and turned to look at Kusuo.

"This is Kusuo Saiki. You've met him once before when I first lived in Japan." You answered. Fuyuhiko looked at Kusuo for a second, then his eyes went wide.

"Pink Hair Self Care!"

"Don't EVER call me that again."

"Anyway, entertain him, Fuyuhiko. I'm going to shower real quick." You said and walked upstairs.

Kusuo and Fuyuhiko watched you leave and then sat down at the dining room table.

"So how've you been, Saiki?" Fuyuhiko asked as he leaned into the table with his arms crossed.

"Not too bad, now that Y/n's back."

"Telepathy, huh? What, you don't want her to know you care for her?" Fuyuhiko teased.

"Why do you say that? It's just easier this way."

"I just kinda assumed you guys were together, considering how she talks about you and all."

"How do you mean?" Kusuo asked, trying to hide the fact that he wanted desperately to know.

"Well, we kept in touch while she was in America, and one day got to the topic of dating, not each other of course. She told me she could only see herself with you. So, I assumed that once she moved back, you two sealed the deal."

"You don't have to make it sound perverted." Kusuo said with a blush, making Fuyuhiko laugh.

"So I'll take it that you haven't been dating. Well, you should." Fuyuhiko said with a smile.

"Bold of you to assume I like her like that." Despite feeling exactly that, Kusuo didn't want to outright admit it.

"I can tell you do. I don't mean this to sound creepy, but I've kept my eye on you over the years, as a request from Y/n."

"She asked you to look after me?"

"When she asked, she told me that she worried you wouldn't take good care of yourself. So, I would talk to your parents every now and then. From what they told me and how I see you know, I can tell you like her. You'll be a wonderful first boyfriend for her." Fuyuhiko said as he stood up from the table and pushed in his chair.

"You mean she hasn't dated before?" Kusuo asked in amazement. For someone with your looks, he would have assumed you'd been with someone before.

"Nope. There was this one guy back in America though who was obsessed with her. He even offered her father money in exchange for her hand in marriage. Once she found out, she roundhouse kicked him." Fuyuhiko said and laughed.

"Sounds just like her." Kusuo laughed as well.

"I'll keep everything you said in mind." Kusuo smiled sincerely. The two froze once they heard footsteps coming down the stairs.

"The shower is free if you want... How exactly did you entertain him, Fuyuhiko? His face is red." You observed and asked. You wore a black hoodie with white shorts. You looked over at Kusuo in confusion.

"We were comparing sizes~."

"LIKE HELL WE WERE." Kusuo argued.

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