**✿❀ Chapter Three ❀✿**

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Same Day

"How long have you been in Japan?" Kusuo asked, sitting almost uncomfortably close to his best friend. He couldn't help but admire how beautiful she had become. Not to mention...

'Her body had definitely matured...' Kusuo looked down at her chest, but quickly brought his eyes elsewhere. Anywhere but her, that is. Before she had moved, her body hadn't developed at all, even at eleven. He definitely didn't think his best friend would turn into the beautiful girl he saw beside him.

"I just arrived today, actually. I had gotten done unpacking, and decided to come here. It always made me happy." (Y/n) said, smiling gracefully as she turned her head to see Kusuo. She couldn't help but admire him. She always admired him, after all. She loved how calm he could be, even when they were in the toughest of situations. She loved how he would always have a stoic expression in public, but as soon as it was just the two of them, it would transition into something entirely different and exotic. He truly let out his emotions when he was with her, and she treasured that.

"You really have grown, huh Kusuo? You look so mature." (Y/n) smiled, wanting to say more but stopped herself, not wanting to come off as creepy.

"I'm not the only one. You look..." Kusuo started, but couldn't bring himself to finish. He knew what he wanted to say, but didn't know if he could. Especially out loud in front of her.

"Beautiful?" (Y/n) questioned, tilting her head sideways a little bit.

"Not what I was going to say."


"Yeah, I know. I haven't been feeling too confident lately. I feel like I'm lacking in many areas, you know?" She mumbled the last part as she brushed a strand of hair out of her face and behind her ear. Kusuo was about to protest, but wasn't able to.

"Let's go to your house! I would love to see your mother and father!" (Y/n) jumped up, her hair bouncing with her personality.

"Sure." Kusuo said, but he still couldn't get her words out of his head.


"Are you sure you want to see them? They've gotten crazier over the years." Kusuo said, not wanting to deal with the commotion and possible, no, certain tears.

"Of course I do. They were always so kind to me. They're my only parents now..." (Y/n) mumbled the last part, casting her eyes to the ground. Kusuo's eyes just widened.

"Wha-" Kusuo started, but was interrupted by a loud thud to their left. The two awkwardly looked towards the window, seeing Kusuo's mother pressing her face and hands against the glass, an amazed and confused look on her face.

"OH MY GOD IS THAT (Y/N)?! DEAR, COME QUICK! (Y/N)'S BACK!!!" Mrs. Saiki yelled as tears started to stain the window. The door was practically thrown open as Kusuo's mother stood in the doorway, seemingly growing bigger and bigger. Well, at least to the two teenagers.

"(Y/n) sweetie! I missed you so much!" Mrs. Saiki yelled as she flung herself at the girl, causing (Y/n) to get the wind knocked out of her.

"Kusuo! You better put a ring on this one before she ever thinks about leaving again! Come inside, you two! I just got done making dinner! DEAR GET YOUR ASS DOWN HERE RIGHT NOW!" Mrs. Saiki yelled, letting go and walking into the house. Kusuo just stared at (Y/n), noticing that she as well had a small blush on her face.

"Come on, we don't want to keep her waiting." Kusuo sighed, walking in after his mother, (Y/n) following.


The four of them sat at the dinner table, Kusuo's parents sharing all of the embarrassing things Kusuo has done over the years with his psychic powers for the past half hour. (Y/n) just laughed while Kusuo sat there uncomfortably, silently begging his parents to stop.

"So (Y/n), what had you been doing up in America?" Mr. Saiki asked with a mouthful of takoyaki.

"I started working in a bakery-"

Kusuo's head immediately jerked (Y/n)'s way, his eyes widened and mouth in an O shape. (Y/n) just stared at him, before slowly turning her head back to look at his parents.

"I was able to become a manager in two months. I wish I could say I accomplished things there, but I worked with morons." (Y/n) said as she got another piece of takoyaki and flung it in Kusuo's direction, but he was able to make it fly back in her face.

"Oh my! How come Kusuo's powers still work with you around?" Mrs. Saiki asked, causing both of the teens to look at her.

"Oh, well I can nullify them, but only if I activate it myself, and it had to be through touch so-"

"But I bet you two have done a lot of touching lately- ow what the hell Kusuo! Hugging, I meant hugging!!!" Kusuo's father yelled after Kusuo had smacked him upside the head with a metal pan.

"Anyway... How is your father doing, (Y/n)? His health wasn't all too good when you two left. Is he making progress?" Mrs. Saiki said happily while tending to her idiotic husband.

"... His health went down hill after we left, probably at its worst. He's better now, and he's much happier now back home." (Y/n) smiled, but it seemed forced. Kusuo couldn't help but look at her, questioning why she had to say her father died so vaguely. However, he knew his friend had her reasons, so he just left it at that and would wait until he could talk to her privately.

"Good! I'm glad he's doing better! Well, now that we're all finished, why don't you two go upstairs while we clean up?"

"You don't have to do it all, I'd be glad to he-" (Y/n) started, but was never able to finish due to the death glare she got from Kusuo's mother.

"Yes ma'am."

"Yes ma'am."

Both teens had said simultaneously before standing up at the same time and marching their way upstairs into Kusuo's room.

After they had left, Mrs. Saiki couldn't help but tear up a bit, before sitting down next to her husband.

"Dear? What's wrong?" Mr. Saiki asked as he wrapped his arms around his wife. With tears in her eyes, she clung to her husbands shirt, tugging down slightly.

"I'm just so glad she's back. Now, maybe Kusuo will go back to his old self."

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