**✿❀ Chapter Nine ❀✿**

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Kusuo POV

After reading her book, Y/n and I decided to walk around the beach. One thing I enjoyed about Y/n is that she can appreciate silence. We just walked around the beach and bathed in the warmth and silence.

I couldn't help but look at her whenever I could. She's the only person I can see for who they are. With people like Teruhashi, all I see when looking at them is a pile of meat in the shape of a person. Y/n, however, I can see like any other normal person. For other people, naked bodies are a big deal, but it never has been for me. Unless Y/n nullifies that power, all I see is meat.

'Holy crap, that means I could see... God, forgive me.'

"How does some shaved ice sound?" Y/n said suddenly, saving from my thoughts.

"Sounds good." I nodded and we started heading towards a shaved ice cafe. Once we walked in, I heard Y/n sigh in content due to the air conditioning. We sat down and looked at the menu.

"Crap, I forgot my wallet."

I looked up from my menu at Y/n.

"I can always bring it for something of equal value. That is the first law of equivilant exchange."

"I don't want you using your psychic powers for me. I'll be quick. Order me a lemon shaved ice." Y/n smiled at me and quickly ran out of the cafe.


'Okay, something has to be wrong. Y/n is taking a while. And I can't read her thoughts, so I guess I'll have to use telepathy on everyone around the area to see if they've seen her around. With that swimsuit on and her body, it should be easy.

I began to focus on the thoughts of everyone around one by one.

'I haven't seen Saiki and L/n in a while.'

'Why is Nendou so dumb? And how the hell is he still underwater?!'

'This can't be! This water has been poluted by Dark Reunion! I must get us out of here!'

'This chick is going to kill me!'

That last thought caught my attention.

'It might be that one, I could try to use clairvoyance on him to see who he's around.'

I crossed my eyes and focused in on the guy who's thought caught my interest. Immediately, I saw Y/n pinning a guy to the sand.

'Oh god. Better keep watching. I'm sure she'll be just fine, but I still need to watch over her. Although I can't hear anything...'


10 Minutes Ago

I quickly ran out of the cafe door and ran towards our beach towels. Suddenly, I felt a hand on my shoulder, stopping me in my tracks. I turned around, and was greeted with, from what I could tell, a douche bag about 2 years older than me.

"Hey, there. You alone?" He asked me, and I squinted.

"Fortunately not. I'm here with my friends." I stated and began to walk forward, but he grabbed my wrist.

"It's not nice to just walk away from someone who is talking to you." His grip tightened, and my wrist began to ache.

"I need to get back to my friend." I stated rudely, knowing what this guy wanted.

"You mean that pink haired freak you were with? Why not ditch him and come with me?"

'He's been watching me. It's been a while... Hope I can still pull it off.'

I turned to face him again and smiled sweetely. I gripped his free hand and walked him to a spot between the cafe and the hill.

"It's refreshing to see that you know who to listen to- aaah!"

Before he could finish, I quickly swiped my foot under his feet, making him fall into the sand. While he was down, I walked behind him and dug my knee into his back and pulled at his hands.

"Ow! You're hurting me you stupid bitch!" He yelled, but I released one of my hands from his wrist and pushed his face deep into the sand.

"I see. So this is how guys behave nowadays. I can't say I'm intrigued." I said and pushed his face deeper, gripping both of his wrists with only one of my hands.

"You know, I've never had a guy approach me before. Nonetheless, I'm dissapointed that this is how it turned out." I scowled and dug my knee harder and deeper into his back, most likely bruising his spine. I could hear his muffled protests and yells through the sand.

"But just so you know, the only guy I could ever see myself with is the one you just insulted. So, how do you think that makes you look in my eyes?"

He yelled through the sand as I gripped tighter and tighter on his wrist, no doubt leaving visible bruises. I removed my hand from the back of his head to let him speak and get at least some air.

"P-Probably not the best. I'm sorry, please let me go!" He begged and I smiled.

"Ah, so you can learn, after all. I'll have you know that I'm 17, and I can tell that you're well past the age of 18. So technically, you're an adult that just tried to put his hands on a minor. I wonder what your family would think of that? Hell, maybe even the media."

"I swear, I'll ruin your pink-haired friends life if you dar-mmmph!"

I shut him up by pushing his face back into the sand.

"Even if you tried, he could easily take you down. But if you even try to lay a hand on him, I just might have to break yours, and I think you can tell by now that I mean every word I say."

Slowly, I got off of him and watched him cough up sand.

"I'm so glad we could come to an understanding." I smiled sweetly, and left him there.

'Kusuo's probably worried... I better hurry.'


Kusuo POV

'Holy hell... She doesn't hold back. She's truly amazing, although, I wish I could hear what they were talking about. But anyway, that my dear readers, is the breaking point I mentioned a couple chapters ago.'

"What took you so long?" I asked once I saw Y/n walk into the shaved ice cafe. I noticed that her knees were red.

"Sorry, I tripped a couple of times. Silly me." Y/n said and slapped herself a little before taking her seat in front of me. I pushed the half melted lemon shaved ice towards her.

"I can tell. Your knees are red." I stated the obvious and dabbed the napkin in front of me in my glass of water and stood up. Y/n looked at me with  confusion, then blushed as I knelt down in front of her and began wiping her knees.

"Kusuo, you don't have to do that." Y/n said and smiled down at me. I looked up and smiled back at her, repeating the words she always says to me.

"Anything for you, Y/n."

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