**✿❀ Chapter Twelve ❀✿**

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"Seriously? A halloween party?!" Kaidou asked excitedly.

"Isn't it a big holiday in the west?" Kuboyasu asked.

"It is. It was pretty popular in America, and I thought I'd have a halloween party. But please keep this quiet, I'm only inviting a few people." You begged nervously.

"Oh really? Like who?" Kaidou asked.

"Well obviously you two, Nendou, and Kusuo. My house isn't the biggest, so I'm only inviting you four."

"Sounds fun, count us in!" Kaidou said happily.

"Don't people dress up for halloween?" Kuboyasu asked.

"Usually, but you don't have to. I will be though. Anyway, I better go set up. The party is this Saturday!" You turned and waved back at the two, and they waved back.

"Now, I just have to tell Kusuo." You said to yourself with a determined look on your face.


"Hell no."

"Please, Kusuo?" You begged as you two sat down on his living room couch.

"You should really go, Kusuo. It's good to get out now and then." Mr. Saiki said.

"I've been getting out everywhere and everyday. I want a break." Kusuo said and folded his arms.

"I told the others the party would be from 5-9, but I have some extra stuff planned for the two of us. Besides, I'm making all of the food and deserts-"

"Why didn't you say so sooner? Let's go set up!" Kusuo jumped off the couch and grabbed your wrist and dragged you to the front door.

"Have fun you two!" Mrs. Saiki called out as Kusuo used his psychic powers to shut the door behind you.

"Who all is invited, anyway?" Kusuo asked as the two of you walked to your house.

"Just Kaidou, Kuboyasu and Nendou. Oh, Fuyuhiko will be in flying home tonight, so he'll be there too." You answered as you two neared your house. Luckily, Fuyuhiko lived on the next street, so it was really only a 5 minute walk.

You opened the front door and took off your shoes. On the kitchen table was a bunch of decorations you had bought the day prior.

"You really went all out." Kusuo noted as he looked through the bags.

"You're not expecting me to dress up, are you?" Kusuo asked, fearing what your answer would be.

"No, I'm already making you come to my party, I don't expect you to dress up." You said with a slightly sad tone.

"You know you're not making me, right? I'm doing this beause I care about you. What are you dressing up as, anyway?" Kusuo asked.

"It's a surprise~." You said and winked at him.

"It better not be something dirty-"

"Of course it's not! I just want to surprise you!" You shouted.

"Well, let's get this over with."


It was 4:30 on the day of the halloween party, and everything was set up nicely. You currently were in the kitchen, placing coffee jelly in the shape of eye balls in a bowl, making sure to hide extra for Kusuo.

"This looks amazing."

You turned your head to see Fuyuhiko, who was wearing a simple black shirt and jeans.

"Thanks Fuyu." You said sweetly and placed the bowl on the table along with the other treats. You made ramen and katsudon, along with coffee jelly, brownies, and homemade pocky in the shape of fingers.

"You should probably go get dressed. I'll greet anyone if they show up." Fuyuhiko said and took a pocky.

"You're right." You nodded, and headed upstairs.

You searched your closet for your costume and smiled at it, excited to see the others reactions.

You heard the doorbell ring and decided to hurry. With your costume.

"Welcome, bros and hoes." Fuyuhiko welcomed.

"Really? Where the hoes at?" Nendou asked, who was dressed as s mummy.

"Shut up, Nendou." Kaidou lectured, who was dressed up as a vampire.

"This place looks great." Kuboyasu noted, who was dressed up as gang leader, so nothing out of the ordinary.

"Hey, where's Kusuo?" Fuyuhiko asked and looked behind the bunch.

"We stopped at his house and he wasn't there, so we assumed he was here already." Kaidou said as they all walked in.

Meanwhile with Kusuo...

'I should just teleport into her room. I don't want the draw attention by going through the front door.' Kusuo thought as he straightened his costume.

'I really shouldn't have told my parents about the party... I can't believe they made me dress up...'
Kusuo grumbled as he looked in the mirror, seeing his reflection. He was dressed up as a police officer.

In an instant, he teleported inside your bedroom, but you weren't in there.

"Y/n?" Kusuo called out.

"In the bathroom!"

Kusuo then looked at the bathroom door which was adjointed to your bedroom and got up.

"You can come in." You said, knowing Kusuo was questioning whether to walk in or not.

Kuso opened the door, and immeidately froze.

You were dressed at Elizabeth from Bioshock Infinite (The outfit with the blue skirt, cardigan and white corset. Look it up, it's hawt) You were looking into the mirror and leaning against the sink while applying eye liner. Due to the corset and positon you were in, Kusuo could see the majority of your cleavage in the reflection of the mirror.

'Oh wow.'

"Is it alright?" You asked and finished applying your make up and turned your body to face Kusuo.

"The costume is a size smaller, so it doesn't fit quite right..." You mumbed as you looked down.

"No, you look amazing. Let's go downstairs." Kusuo smiled at you. You smiled back, and grabbed the pistol that was on the table to go with your outfit.

"So anyway, I- Oh wow! You look amazing, L/n!" Kaidou called out, drawing everyone's attention to the staircase.

"Hey L/n, looking gooooood~." Fuyuhiko called.

"Thanks guys! Sorry to keep you all waiting. Go ahead and dig in!" You said as you and Kusuo walked over to the table. Frowning, Kusuo used his psychic powers to make your outfit appear more modest in everyone's eyes.

'This view is for me and me alone.' Kusuo thought and smirked to himself.

"Where did you find a prop like that? It looks real." Kuboyasu asked, reffering to the pistol in your hand.

"Oh, this?" You said, and aimed it at the ceiling.


"It's real." You shrugged as everyone jumped in surprise.


"Anyway, let's get his party started!" You said happily and clapped your hands together.

"Let the party begin!"

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