**✿❀ Chapter Two ❀✿**

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Japan, September 18

"Saiki, buddy! Let's go get some ramen!"

'Ramen. Ramen. Ramen. Bird? Ramen bird. Bird ramen.'

"Pfft, if he has time. Saiki here has to come with me to go reform the base of Jet Black Wings and his partner organization!"

'That abandoned shed is totally going to amaze him!'

"Hello, Saiki! I um... Have some tickets go a concert later. I'm not sure if you'll like it, but I guarantee it'll be fun!"

'There is no way he can say no. After all, he will be graced by my angelic presence. I will surely make him say 'oh wow' today!'

Kusuo just sighed as he stood up from his seat abruptly, almost knocking a couple of books off of the desk behind him that were sticking over the edge. As Kusuo made his way to the door, all of his friends followed.

"Where you going buddy? Gotta take a crap?"

"Nendou! Don't talk about things like that!"

"Huh, why not?"

'I have to get out of here before I lose my damn mind.'

Kusuo thought to himself. His eyes brightened as he saw a crowd of students ahead of him, all scrunched up together in the middle of the hallway.

'This is my chance.'

Kusuo then pushed his way into the middle of the crowd, the students immediately going back to their original place like memory foam. With all the students distracted, Kusuo teleported himself to the outside of the school, and breathed a sigh of relief.

'Thank god.'

Kusuo was lucky that it was a Friday, or else he would have never been able to escape. But thanks to the group of students discussing their weekend plans, he was able to. Kusuo smiled to himself for his success, though it wasn't noticable. He then began to walk. Not to his house, but a place he would go every Friday after school to clear his mind and get some closure, if that's what he could call it.

The walk was about 30 minutes, but Kusuo didn't mind one bit. Sure, he could teleport himself to his destination, but that wouldn't satisfy him or his empty heart. No, for Kusuo, the walk was one of the best parts of his week. Although it made him lonely, it was the memories that comforted him. He was content with his lonesome self.

The narrow walkways and path created by the rows of trees always brought him peace, especially during this fall season. The leaves seemed to briefly hug him as they fell to the ground, only to crunch under his footsteps. The red, orange, yellow and brown always made the walk worth it during these times, for it was her favorite, and it grew onto him, as well.

The trees almost abruptly stopped as they grew closer and closer to the babbling brooke ahead. The view almost changing immediately, like two different pictures placed side by side. No smoothe transition at all, other than the fading trees.

Kusuo closed his eyes as he walked and took of his shoes and socks, folding the socks into each other and into his shoes and carried them. He smiled feeling the bare, slightly damp blades of grass under his feet. Although he could still hear the thoughts of others, they almost seemed to be drowned out by the slapping and gently clashing water to his left.

Kusuo got the sudden urge to open his eyes. As he did so, something new filled his vision. His eyes widened, trying to comprehend and make sure his eyes weren't failing him. A faint humming sound came to his ears, focusing in and out, causing him to only hear some of the tune. Despite that, he knew the song, slowly placing the missing notes into his brain. The cause if the hymn, was a young lady.

She sat on the edge of the river, her feet in the water. Although her eyes were casted down, Kusuo knew their color. Her (h/l) (h/c) hair flowed gently with the breeze, gently resting against her shoulder until the breeze picked up again.

She had grown beautifully.

Suddenly, the humming stopped, and something caught the girls attention. The uneasy feeling of being watched overcame her, and she looked to her left, her eyes widening as well. Her (e/c) eyes met his purple ones, which were filled with tears.

But Kusuo couldn't bring himself to blink. He feared, that if he were to blink, that the tears would come cascading down, and the sight before him would disappear. Instead, he continued to watch her, his heart racing. Forward. Slowly. Right foot, left foot. Slowly. Kusuo began slowly walking towards the figure.

Her eyes returned to normal, tears of joy suddenly appearing and did what Kusuo's tears wouldn't do. As they slowly slid down her cheeks, meeting at her chin before hitting her chest. She snapped out of her trance and stood up, eyes never leave his.


She stood there.

He had grown handsomely.

He was taller, much taller. His shoulders were more broad, showing his maturity. His eyes. Although covered by his green glasses, she could see the tears threatening to come pouring down.

"... Kusuo!"

Forward. Faster and faster. Right foot, left foot. She was running, and soon enough, he was too.

"(Y/n)!" Kusuo spoke, a huge grin appeared on his face as the barrier preventing his tears from falling broke, and they all came crashing down.

Their bodies crashed together, causing the wind to be knocked out of each other as they wrapped their arms around the others body. Kusuo, having more body strength, knocked the young woman down, causing him to fall on top of her as they embraced. Neither of them minded. Neither could care less.

"(Y/n)..." Kusuo spoke, his words muffled as he burried his face into her neck.

"I'm home, Kusuo. I'm finally home." (Y/n) said as the began to pull herself up, pulling away to look at her best friends face. She smiled deeply, bringing up her hand to cup his cheek, using her thumb to swipe away his tears.

"Why did you suddenly come back?" Kusuo asked, captivated by her gaze. She just laughed.

"Does that matter? I came back like I said I would, sorry for the short notice." (Y/n) closed her eyes and let her head tilt forward, leaning into Kusuo's chest. Just by doing this, she could feel the muscle he had.

"I was... So lonely... Without you." (Y/n) breathed out, causing Kusuo to smile, wrapping his arms around her once more.

"Me too. I missed you."

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