**✿❀ Chapter Six ❀✿**

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"Did you hear anything about the new transfer student?"

"Not really, I just know that we have one."

Talk about Y/n's transfer was everywhere in PK Academy. Kusuo was annoyed like usual, but more so at the fact that it was all boys praying for it to be a girl.

Kusuo groaned and walked into the classroom, and as expected, everyone was in groups talking about Y/n, including Nendou, Kaidou, and Kuboyasu.

"Hey buddy!" Nendou said and waved at Kusuo.

"Saiki! Did you hear we have a transfer student? I bet she's my forsaken dark emperess!" Kaidou excitedly.

"Is it a girl?" Kuboyasu asked.

"I'm sure of it! I can feel my hormones going wild!!!"

"Regarding that." Kusuo said and caught their attention.

"Stay AWAY from her."

They all froze from the tone in Kusuo's voice. Then, Kaidou's scared expression turned into one of shock.

"S-Saiki! Could it be that this new girl is your dark emperess?!" Kaidou asked excitedly.

"That's not exactly-"

"Alright everyone, take your seats."

The sound of feet scampering around was the only thing heard once the teacher walked in, and soon, everyone was in their seats.

"As all of you guys heard, we have a new student joining us. She's just returned from America, so everybody be nice and welcome her. You may come in now."

Immediately, all eyes, even Kusuo's, focused on the classroom door. The door opened, and Y/n walked in.

'The school uniform fits her.' Kusuo thought. His classmates on the other hand...

'Teruhashi rival?'


'For the love of god, and all his holy... PLEASE LET HER FALL IN LOVE WITH MEEEEE!'

Y/n made it beside the teacher and bowed gently.

"I'm Y/n L/n. I hope we all get along." Y/n smiled sweetly.

'Alright readers, character introduction.' Kusuo thought to literally no one.

'This, as you know, is my childhood friend, Y/n. She was the first person I really connected to and I tend to keep it that way. Also, don't let her gentle looks deceive you. Before her father got sick and passed away, he was a taekwondo teacher. Naturally he taught Y/n, but she focuses on striking with her legs. Like everyone else, she has a breaking point, and my god can it be scary. Anyway, I wonder how Teruhashi is feeling about this.' Kusuo thought and looked over to Teruhashi, which to his surprise, looked infatuated with Y/n.

'No, this is wrong! She is my rival! She has to be! But then, why do I feel so... Warm? IS THIS A NEW CRUSH?! Goodbye Kusuo Saiki and hellooooo Y/n L/n!' Teruhashi thought with hearts in her eyes.

'Well that's good for me, but...' Kusuo thought and turned his attention back to Y/n, who was currently answering questions.

"Um, if you don't mind me asking, why did you move to America?" One of the students asked.

"My mom died." Y/n said plainly with a smile on her face. The whole class went quiet, and then Kaidou dared raise his hand.

"So... Why did you move back to Japan?" Kaidou asked while sweating.

"My dad died." Y/n, once again, answered with a simple smile.








Kusuo cringed at the loudness of his classmates thoughts.

'If anyone's going to protect her it's me-'

"L/n, why don't you take the extra seat to the right of Saiki?" Kusuo's train of thought was interrupted by the teacher. Kusuo then noticed Y/n smile at him, then walk and take the seat next to Kusuo.

"Alright class, open your textbooks to page-"

'Oh, and another thing you need to know about Y/n. Her psychic powers are one of a kind. My psychic powers have no affect on her, so if I want to communicate with her, I have to do it with my mouth, like normal people. I also can't read her thoughts. Y/n has the ability to nullify any psychic powers through touch for a limited amount of time, and she can only nullify one psychic power at a time. Like this morning, she nullified my eyes so I don't need to wear my classes. Of course I have them on now though, I don't want to hurt her. Got the explanation? Good.'


"L/n! How was America!"

"I'm sorry to hear about your parents."


"Fine, it's alright, and no." Y/n sighed and scooted her desk closer to Kusuo's with a loud thud, as if telling them all to f*** off, which they did. Kusuo just stared at her in amazement.

"As per usual, you don't deal with anyone's crap." Kusuo said and took out his lunch box.

"Sadly, I wasn't that way in America, so I got stabbed in the back a bunch." Y/n explained and took a bite of her sandwich.

"I'm sorry to hear tha- Y/N YOU GODDESS!" Kusuo suddenly said happily as Y/n pulled out a homemade coffee jelly.

"If only I was." Y/n sighed took a drink of her apple juice.

"I see you're still on your apple juice kick." Kusuo stated.

"Been doing it for 11 years and I don't plan to stop anytime soon." Y/n smiled. She noticed Kusuo cringe, and deduced that it was one of his classmate's thoughts. She touched Kusuo's hand gently and nullified his telepathy. Kusuo's eyes widened when the annoying string of thoughts suddenly stopped.

"It sure is good to have you back, but please don't make yourself sick." Kusuo smiled.

"Anything for you."

"Does that mean you're going to keep doing it or you won't get sick?"



"Well, that's the bell. Make sure to finish the homework by tomorrow."

As soon as the bell went off, students leapt out of their seats and met up with their friends.

"Why don't you show me to your house, Y/n?" Kusuo asked and grabbed his bag.

"I guess I can. Tori doesn't get back until next week." Y/n said and stood up from her chair.

"You know he'll kill you if he heard you call him that." Kusuo smirked as the two of you walked out the door.

"He's more than welcome to try."

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