Chapter 16

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Amaya woke up out of her slumber to see her niece Zalia had fallen asleep holding her bulging belly.Zalia couldn't wait for her little cousin to be born now knowing she was going to be a girl she was so excited and ready for her to come.She ended up not having a baby shower she just wanted to know the gender of her baby right then and there at the hospital.

"Have you thought of any names yet".Amari said jotting down on her sisters bed.

"I was thinking something like serenity".

"Nawl everyone has that damn name".Amari said.

Amaya still had time to think of a name so she wasn't going to rush into it.

Amaya got up from the bed making sure not to wake her cousin grabbing her phone dialing Chris number she waited impatiently she hated his ass and regretted ever fucking him but it was a possibility he was the father next to Micah.As always it went straight to voice mail.He has been avoiding her ever since she told him she was pregnant and got her jumped.

"Answer my fucking calls Chris".Amaya said into the phone.Tears began falling down to her face letting her emotions get the best of her Next thing she knew she hurled her phone straight at the mirror watching as the glass broke falling to the floor.A confused Zalia popped up from the bed.

"Fuck I'm always doing something".Amaya said. Walking to grab her phone seeing that it still worked but was cracked as hell.

"I'll help you clean it up".Zalia said

"No your mom will be here soon get ready".Amaya said sending her on her way.Cleaning up her mess she knew Chris wanted nothing to do with her or her child it wouldn't even matter if it was his child
Or not.She picked back up her phone calling the only person that she knew who was good at tracking down people.

"Hello".The deep voice echoed through the phone she had put it on speaker not wanting to put the cracked phone up to her face.

"I need your help".



"I had a really good time tonight at the beach Javon"

"Me to mamii that food was Amazing thanks for letting me walk you home"

"It's been a long time since I walked that far my legs are tired".Amira said

"Why didn't u say nothing I would have carried you baby".Javon said palming her ass pulling her too him with both of his hands.

"Gimmie a kiss".Javon said

Amira smashed her lips to Javon enjoying every moment that they shared and hopefully more to come.

"Who the fuck is this".Amira mom said


"On my porch que te ha pasado aren't your with Bryant.

Amira knew she couldn't wait anymore

"Mom this is my boyfriend Javon ,I don't want that boy I didn't like him ,he was no good I want someone I have true feelings for and this is him And if you can't accept it than you can't accept me mom I love you but you have to let me go.I should be able to choose who I want to be with I wasn't happy mom he makes me happy".Amira turned to Javon grabbing his hand she looked back at her mom surprised to have tears in her eyes.

"Ohh Bebe I'm
Sorry I didn't know you felt like that I just thought he was good for you I guess I was wrong it would be wrong for me to to do that huh"?

Dad appeared behind mom rubbing her shoulders giving her a kiss on the side I knew my dad supported me no matter what and I knew that conversation was coming though.


Amira sat in the backyard that night reflecting on everything that happened she was so afraid of her parents not being understanding that she deprived her boyfriend from a relationship with her parents.Letting out a mental breath s she smiled a genuine smile.She could finally say she was actually happy with who she was,who she was with and her support system.She felt like she was ready for every obstacle that would get thrown at her in life lifting her hand she lit her blunt which was very much needed.


Amira opened her eyes coughing out smoke damn near choking from being startled. Running into the house not even putting out the blunt she seen her sister on the floor holding her belly running towards her she dropped to her knees seeing that her water broke.


"I know I am so scared...... but so excited to meet my baby I already called 911". I'll meet you at the hospital
While I'll call our parents I'll let Micah know too.




Walking back into the hospital I was already irritated I hated the hospital it smelled like old wet people and death it would always creep me out. I looked for my family and my baby moms family ,making my way to them I got a snack pack from the vending machine I was hungry as fuck.Amaya been in labor for 14 hours and I had to leave five times to get fresh air I couldn't leave I had to be here when my baby came out to meet me.

"The doctors coming". I was shook awake to see Amira in my face.I didn't even know I had fell asleep.

"Family of Amira Johnson"

"Yes"we all said in union

"The great news is Amira made it through surgery she is fine and awake the bad news is I am so sorry but the baby did not make it it was a still birth".the doctor said

After that everything else he was saying was irrelevant.

"So you telling me that MY BABY AINT MAKE IT".It wasn't even sadness I was angry.Before I knew it I had gripped up the doctor.


"Sir please we did all we can". The doctor said

Amira dad grabbed me trying to get me off the doctor

"It's not his fault Malik let him go".Amira dad said grabbing my arm.

"Let go now".

Letting him go I walked out slamming the hospital door behind me .

god why u take father hood away from me:....

I haven't updated in awhile it's short but this chapter was long overdue  but I CANNOT BELIEVE HOW MANY PEOPLE LIKE THIS BOOK❤️❤️❤️❤️🥺like this just motivated me to finish and keep writing.I love reading yall comments cuz I feel
So connected to all of you ❤️❤️Thank you so much for taking time out your day to read and enjoy my book.

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