Chapter 1

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Amira james

Walking into my school I went to the bathroom to touch up my lip gloss.

I walked out zipping down my black jacket. I ran into a friend of mine, Her name is Sarah she was white with black curly hair and green eyes she had on a black body suit with black sandals and a white book. She was cool I didn't consider her as a friend though she was just someone I knew from school.

I live in a gated community I think it's a maximum of two black families that live in my section,before we came up we lived in a regular neighborhood on the South side of Atlanta now I live on the North side.I'm a senior in high school and kind of known around my school.I have a best friend named Macy she lives on the other side of town. I haven't seen her in awhile but we still call and check up on each other.

"Are you going to cheer tryouts tomorrow". Sarah asked

"Nah". I said shaking my head

I really wasn't into cheer leading

"You have too". Sarah said

"No I don't". I said

She rolled her eyes and blew breath out.

"You probably wouldn't fit in the uniform anyway". I heard her say.

"What". I turned around to see her speed walking down the hallway Sarah was a quiet girl but she was bitch.Sarah and her sister Britt picked on other people they thought were lame and they were the most popular girls in school  they cool with me for now I was a little glad because they ran the school and if they didn't like me the other kids wouldn't either but they were just being pussy.

I went to my Algebra class to see Bryan my boyfriend he played for the school football team and is really popular around school , he walked up to me embracing me in a hug I ran my fingers through his blonde hair.

"Hey my house after school". He said walking back towards his seat.


I finished the whole day out exhausted I walked out seeing my moms car.My sister Amaya was already in the backseat.She is 15 and in the 9th grade.Freshman were always on the first floor while we worked the second.I got in as we made our way home.

"Your going to try outs right". I looked at my mother like she had two heads.

"No and how did you know". I said as I ate some hot chips.

"Don't worry and your going at least try out even if you don't make it at least u tried".My mom said pulling up in our driveway.

"Sarah said I can't fit into the uniforms anyway". I shrugged my shoulders and continued to munch on my chips at the table.All she did was talk about tryouts when we got in the house.

"Well maybe if you weren't always eating junk food you could lose the ass and titties and fit in the uniform". She snatched the bag out of my hand.

"Hey". I was angry I was perfect the way I was.

"Don't start Amira".

"Whats going on don't start what". I heard a deep voice behind me and instantly knew it was my father I sat down quickly.My father was black and stood at 6'2 with  black eyes and brown clear skin he was very over protective and intimidating he was only 1 year younger then my mom my mom being 40 my dad 39. My mother was light skin and mixed with Latina and Mexican.My parents always held me at high standards.I always did what made them happy.I had to have straight A's .My mom even picked Bryan for me.Bryan's Mom was my mom's boss and she told her that he needed a date for a valentines dance that was happening at my school at the time.He didn't want to take any other girls and of course he wanted me to be his date.And we hit it off from there but Bryan is boring I barely see him because obviously football is more important and my mom says I have to stay with him for her job's sake.

"Do what your mother says". He says and walks off he always kisses her ass he didn't even know what happened.

"Your going discussion closed". She said as she started to cook.

I rolled my eyes and got up eyeing my chips on the counter next to her.

"I am going to Bryant's I will be back before dinner". She only nodded I waited till she wasn't paying attention and snuck up behind her slowly grabbing my chips back and flew out the door. Bryan't lived in the same gated community as me so all I had to do was walk.Reaching his house i texted him to let me in the house.He came to the door with no shirt and some sweat pants.

I looked down for a print I heard when boys wear sweat pants you can see there print but I didn't see anything so maybe the saying wasn't true.

"Hey baby". He hugged me while smashing his lips on mine forcing the kiss I did not want I pushed him away.

"Can I walk through the door first".

"Fine". He threw his hands up and ran  his hand through his hair and looking me straight in my eyes with his blue eyes which is the only thing I found attractive about him.

For the rest of the day we were chilling in his room he tried to have sex but after I dismissed the idea he ignored me and began to play fort-nite.

I got tired of it and left and he didn't even notice.I rolled my eyes and made it home before dinner.

"Were is my silk robe". I said more to myself I was looking for it so I could shower but I couldn't find it.It was only one person that had to have it.I left my closet and went to Amaya's room barging in.

"Were is my silk rob". She would sometimes steal my clothes and makeup to look older she was a little thot to I tried telling my parents about her but they never believed me she was always innocent to them but she was far from innocent.

"I don't have it now get out".

"I swear let me find out".I said walking out of her room and purposely leaving the door open knowing she hated it.

I noticed one of my favorite thong and bra set missing if I found out she took my shit I will fuck her up be'lee da't.....

Some chapters are going to be long some are short it depends.I made up the places use yall imagination bear with me.

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