Chapter 14

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"Amari get up I'm hungry".Amaya shook Amari till she heard her groan.

"Amari get up"

Amari heard her sister telling her to get up. She  opened up one eye looking at the clock she seen it was 3am in the damn morning Amari was pissed.

"Why is you waking me up this early"

"I'm hungry can you take me to the corner store to buy a bag of frozen chicken nuggets because McDonald's not open".

"Imma beat your ass".

"Why you ain't call Micah".

"He sleep and I ain't wanna bother him".Amaya said

"Bitch I was sleep to, I was sleep too".Amari cried

"Stop being a baby and come one".

"Uhhhhh fine wait I don't have moms keys so I can't take you".

"Not so fast".Amaya said holding up their mom's  keys wiggling them in her face.

"Of course".

"Yeah let's go".Amaya said

They both left out of the house they didn't even bother getting dressed they just left in there pajamas. Amaya was now 4 months her tummy was growing slowly.

"Bitch I thought you said one bag of chicken nuggets and only chicken nuggets".Amari said

Amaya put not only four bags of giant chicken nuggets in the cart she had Doritos,cheese dip,hot chips and pickles with a big tube of pineapple sherbet ice cream.

"This gone last me the rest of the week so unless u wanna wake up the rest of the week at night taking me to the store I suggest you shut up".

Amari rolled her eyes as they went to the check out they paid for the food and left.Amari plopped right in her bed and got mad all over again because she couldn't go back to sleep.So she called Jayvon but he didn't answer.She wasn't taking no for a answer so she called again. It rung four times before he answered the phone.

"Hello". His sleepy voice made butterfly's go in her stomach

"Bae I can't sleep".She wines as her forehead and eyes came into view in the camera.

"So you wake me up".He said

"Yes you have to keep me company"

"Alright big forehead".

"Shutup".Amari moves her face out the camera

"Why yo titties all in the camera".He said

"Because they are"

"Pop a tittie out for me".Jayvon said

Amari laughed no they both talked on the phone till Amari fell asleep on the phone.


"Girl come on you gotta go to school you haven't been to school for a month".

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