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AOT Zodiac book will be up after christmas, just been working on some chapters for it :D (prolly the 27th or something since my sister's birthday is the 26th lol)

Also Merry Christmas everyone! If you don't celebrate Christmas, then happy holidays! :) it's currently the 24th right now for me, but still, have a good day tomorrow everyone and may you be blessed :3


You Spend Christmas With...

Aries - Byakuya Togami

Taurus - Sakura Oogami

Gemini - Peko Pekoyama

Cancer - Hajime Hinata

Leo - Tenko Chabashira

Virgo - Gonta Gokuhara

Libra - Chiaki Nanami

Scorpio - Mondo Oowada

Sagittarius - Kirumi Toujo

Capricorn - Junko Enoshima

Aquarius - Rantaro Amami

Pisces - Gundam Tanaka

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