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A finger reached for the center of Toshinori's picture.

The finger touched the page and quickly the poster began burning from the center to its edges.

"Too bad you can't feel this," Dabi said.

He flinched, feeling someone slap his shoulder.

Stop using your mutation in public! Hizashi signed rapidly.

"Would you chill, Tone-deaf, we're in an alley," Dabi rolled his eyes, keeping his face towards Hizashi so the deaf man could read his lips. "Besides, I'm just having a little fun. I thought you would like that, since you know, your boyfriend encourages us to use these maledictions."

They're not maledictions, Hizashi signed. And just because we're best friends doesn't mean there's some kind of romance.

"I said boyfriend to tease you but seeing your reaction, now I feel like I revealed something," Dabi grinned mischievously.

Hizashi rolled his eyes and walked away towards the street.

Dabi snorted and followed him. He rammed his shoulder into someone as he turned onto the sidewalk.

"Hey!" The person snapped.

"Sorry man, my bad," Dabi said, shoving his hands in his jacket pockets as he hurried after Hizashi.

Hizashi looked at him. He smacked Dabi's shoulder, Pickpocketing! Really!

Dabi grunted, reaching into the wallet he stole and pulling out a thin wad of money which he stuffed in his pocket to clear his hands.

Hey, they treat our kind like animals, Dabi signed. The least they can do is give a generous donation so I can buy my little brother a decent school coat.

Hizashi rolled his eyes, watching Dabi throw the wallet into a garbage bin.

Hizashi didn't agree with Dabi's actions towards the public, but he understood where he was coming from.

Hizashi grew up in Mutant City, just like Dabi and most of their population had. Hizashi didn't know how he felt about humans, but he knew he didn't really despise them like Dabi does.

Hizashi and Dabi cut into another alley. They had a set course that they usually walked, but now they had to be extra careful.

Dabi found a wanted poster for Shota and ripped it off the wall. He balled up the poster and set it ablaze, looking down both ends of the alley to make sure no one saw him.

Hizashi stood in front of him, pulling out his phone to look more casual.

Dabi blinked when a head of half white hair caught his eye.

He dropped the ashes and quickly ran to the end of the alley, peeking out in the direction the person had gone.

Hizashi frowned at him and followed him quickly.

Dabi's ice blue eyes widened, seeing a teenager with half crimson and half snow white hair.

"Shoto," He growled quietly. "What is wrong with you?"

Hizashi tapped his shoulder, What is it?

"My brother's here," Dabi spat, turning his head towards Hizashi.

Hizashi leaned out, following where Dabi was looking.

What is he doing here? Hizashi signed.

"I don't know, but when I get him home, his ass is grass," Dabi growled.

Dabi watched as the four teens with Shoto turned to each other.

Dabi blinked fast and yanked Hizashi into the line of view.

"Isn't that Tensei's little brother?" Dabi demanded.

Hizashi nodded, Yeah. So?

"So," Dabi spat. "Why does he have legs? He's not supposed to have legs! Remember the Iida's cut off his exhaust pipes like they did with Tensei's and for whatever reason his engines exploded!"

Hizashi stared at the tall teenager a moment before looking at Dabi, You're right...

"I know I'm right! It's my brother's friend!" Dabi spat.

Hizashi watched, biting his lip.

Dabi sighed and turned to Hizashi, Go finish the round. I'm going to follow them and get them back to Mutant City.

Hizashi nodded and left the alley, Be careful.

"You too," Dabi whispered.

Dabi looked back to the teens and felt his breath catch in his throat, seeing a green haired boy with them.

"What are you all doing with that Reg," Dabi balled his fists.

He looked around and snuck closer.

Dabi looked at the group and felt astonished all over again.

In the center of the group was a girl with long dark green hair and a frog like appearance.

The group started walking again.

Dabi noticed the looks the group, especially the frog girl, was getting.

He followed them quickly, remaining at a distance, but not too far.

UA - AU (MHA/BNHA)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin