Christmas Eve (2)

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Dear Diary
Note to self: Don't leave your Christmas shopping until Christmas Eve ever again. When I say I left it until last minute, I don't mean all of it. Obviously I got Brian's present weeks ago. I decided to give him a framed picture of us and the rest of the band from that time we went to the dance together. I know he's gonna love it. I guess I'll have to wait until tomorrow to see what he's got me. I went shopping, with BriBri ,today ,for the rest of the family. Of course I have to include the cats in this, otherwise I'll get yelled at by Aunty Melina. I just got Kermit cat and Jenna cat a box of treats between them. At least it's better than last year, when I put one little treat inside a small box for Kermit. Nobody seemed to get the joke. He deserved it though. He was a nasty boy all year round. And of course he had to be a nasty boy today! I was wrapping up some gifts and asked Grandma Deaky to make me a coffee but she told me to make it myself. So, I went down and made it and when I went back upstairs Kermie was in my room and he somehow managed to get into the box of cat treats. What an absolute naughty. KERMIT THAT WAS NOT FOR YOU! Well, it kinda was but- whatever. Now the cats don't have a Christmas present. Great!  Oh and now there's cat food all over my floor which I'm gonna have to clean up or I probably won't get any presents tomorrow.
P.S Christmas can get in the bin this year.

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