My Night Was Ruined :(

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Dear Diary,
Thanks to Grandma Deaky my night was ruined. Studying the bible is like watching paint dry. I'm not religious so it didn't make any sense. Just because Grandma Deaky is doesn't mean that I have to be. At least I was given my bows back. I have them here with me now. They are on my desk. I'm waiting for Mama Brianna to come in and tie them in my hair ready for school. I'll have to apologise to my friends for not coming out last night. It wasn't my fault, it was my stupid family's.  Hopefully I'll be able to go meet up with them tonight. I really miss Rogeretta (My Sister). It has already been a month since she moved out. I might sneak into her room before I go out tonight and take her left over clothes. I want to have her blue skirt with white  tassels on  and her jacket that matches. I've always been jealous of her when she wears it. I can hear Mama Brianna coming over to my room so I have to go.
P.S There's a boy I fancy in school. His name is Brian. He is very smart.

*Rogeretta is Roger's drag character in the music video 'the great pretender'*

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