Mama Brianna

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Dear Rogerina,
This is Mama Brianna. Whilst you were in school I found your diary. You'll have to find a better hiding space for it after you read this. Hiding it under your pillow definitely wasn't the most original idea. Whilst I was changing your bed I found a little silver tin under your bed that was full of biscuits. They looked exactly like the ones that your Grandma had been eating this week. Please do NOT take your grandma's biscuits when she's not looking. You were seen running back upstairs yesterday evening . Don't think we didn't see you. You'll definitely be getting an extra hard spanking off Grandma Deaky when you get home from school tonight. Also, why do you keep going on about this guy called Brian?  Who is he?  How do you know him?  When you're ungrounded  don't you dare invite him over.
Anyway sweetie, I've placed your stuffed bunny on your bed ready for when you come home. I've made a list of chores for you to do this weekend .
P.S You're lucky I didn't show your diary to Aunty Melina

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