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Dear Diary,

MY STUPID FAMILY HAVE BANNED ME FROM GOING OUT !!!!!! And now they said that I'm grounded.  I didn't even do anything. Apparently I  was talking back. Also I wore Rogeretta's jacket and skirt to go out last night so that could have been the problem. But she's not here to say I can't wear them and they mustn't be that important to her because she hasn't taken them with her. At least I managed to sneak out of the house without anyone seeing what I was wearing. Brian was hanging out with us last night and he said he really liked what I was wearing. Does that mean he fancies me too? 
I got a spanking from Grandma Deaky when I got home and then Aunty Melina and Brianna decided to ground me for 3 weeks.  Also I crawled out from hiding behind the sofa , that Grandma Deaky was sat on , and stole some biscuits off her plate. I then ran upstairs. I don't think she noticed.
P.S  I won't be able to see Brian outside of school now which sucks. Thanks a lot Mama Brianna and Aunty Melina. NOT!

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