Chapter five

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(From now on the characters will speak english because switching from gibberish to english is confusing and besides they're not beatboxing so 🤷🏽‍♀️)

You wake up and clean yourself, hence, last night.

As you run the bath water you notice Pico washing himself in the sink.

You felt disgusted and had to address it.

"That's really gross you shouldn't just wash that part of your body." You exclaim.

"Why do you care so badly?" Pico asked.

"Just worried about your hygiene." You reply.

The tub soon gets full with water, you encourage Pico to take a bath with you.

"Why would I bathe with you? Isn't that a little gay?" Pico crossed his arms.

"I mean we DID do something last night so- What's wrong with a simple bath?" You ask.

"Whatever." Pico says while taking off his clothes.

Pico gets into the bathtub.

"It's a little cramped in here but I guess this is fine." You say while desperately trying to find more space.

"It's a bubble bath too- Great." Pico says in a sarcastic tone.

"What's wrong with a bubble bath?" You put the bubbles on your face making a beard.

"I guess nothing but isn't this a little childish?" Pico looked me up and down.

"Heh. I can see why your girlfriend left you." Pico said while grinning to himself.

"Weird you keep mentioning her- Besides she didn't officially leave me. I guess." You look at your reflection in the water.

"I mean... You could try being more mature?" Pico suggested.

"Ah- What is that supposed to mean?" You raise a brow at pico.

"Be more mature, show her who's in charge. She's always getting you into trouble and you fail to realize it. You're so naive." Pico says.

Before you could speak Pico starts speaking once more.

"Speaking of mature- Let's go somewhere mature. A cafe." Pico grins to himself again

"Mature- You're literally the most immature person I know." You roll your eyes.

"Same goes to you." Pico crosses his arms.

"This would've been way better if we went the other night rather than doing what we did." You point at Pico.

"You're acting like you didn't like it." Pico steps out of the tub.

"Well... I sort of did but what would my girlfriend think?" You asked Pico.

"Heh- Just proves how naive you are. Your girlfriend runs away from the face of possible danger and you're still kissing up to her. Pathetic." Pico walks up to the mirror.

Your at a loss of words, what he said was basically true and now you're debating whether she's worth it.

"Anyway- When you're done soaking up in the tub. Meet me downstairs so we can go on our date." Pico says.

"Date?" You ask.

"I meant business meeting- Date, business meeting. Whatever." Pico runs out of the bathroom.

"Date? Hmm... Maybe he didn't actually mean it." You say to yourself, dismissing the fact.

Our Love is Doomsday (Pico x Boyfriend)Where stories live. Discover now