Chapter Twenty-Six

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|Skid's Mom POV|

The strange creature with a lemon for a head was still unconscious. Well, the poor thing did fall face flat so I can see why it's unconscious.

I glared over at the creature again, the creature's eyes were closed and had some weird pouting expression.

"I wasn't feeling bad for it....Was I?" I mumbled to myself.

I step a little closer to the creature to take a further inspection.

I started touching the creature's stomach, to feel this rough weird texture against my fingers.

Like a pickle... but harder.

"You definitely don't look like you belong in this word-" I said aloud.

"Hmm... How rude." A strange voice said.

I turn my head and scanned the room, I were all alone in the basement and no one in house sounds like that voice I just heard.

"What- Is something wrong?" The strange voice asked.

I scanned the room even harder, desperately trying to find the voice echoing throughout the room.

"Just... turn around." The person's voice sounded slightly irritated.

I turn around and see the creature awake, I could feel my jaw drop.

"What's wrong? It wasn't that much of a surprise anyway- We're literally the only people down here." The creature said.

"People..?" I mistakenly said aloud.

The creature looked away.

"Right- I'm..." The creature sighed.

"Anyway- Can you tell us how to stop that doomsday program?" I asked.

The creature looked off at the side again and sighed.

"I have no clue how..." The creature said, struggling to wiggle out of the rope.

Weird, that thing had the ability to float over Senpai (gag) why is it so weak now?

"Senpai has a good 90% of my power." The creature said.

"UWAH! It can read minds?!" I said to myself.

"Yes, however every other ability I had is now rendered useless because of Senpai's current status." The creature nodded it's head.

"Senpai's current status?" I asked.

"He's dead." The creature jerked.

"And you have no clue how to stop the doomsday program-" I sighed.

Full of doubt I could feel myself stubble across a table, the table had many blunt objects on it.

Such as a pipe wrench, a metal baseball bat, and a crowbar.

I glare at the possible torture weapons then glare at my possible victim.

"Hey! Before you get any ideas I..." The creature interrupted.

"I was requested to retrieve Daddy Dearest's daughter from that blue haired fellow. However... Some weird force was bounding me to stop, no matter what I did I couldn't move past it." The creature said.

"After failing Daddy Dearest's orders he had completely tarnished my shop's reputation. However, one day a man wanted to buy my services. That man wanted to get back at Daddy Dearest for trapping him in another world, so he wanted to buy 90% of my power for himself." The creature said.

"I couldn't refuse- I want Daddy Dearest to pay for everything he has done to everyone. And now you idiots are trying to stop our plan, why?" The creature asked.

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