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*I am totally obsessed with this song 😋*

*Swaggers POV*

"Damn. You looking fine as hell. When can I get a piece of that cake?" I asked him.

"Shut the fuck up Eric," Ryan said.

I just laughed.

"Matt told me to give this to you," he handed me the phone.

"He disconnected his number right?"

"Yeah. He said you can go connect yours today. It might take a bit though since the phone is old," he poured me a cup of coffee.

"Alright," he handed me the cup. "Thanks. So... have you and the boys thought about what the first "quota" is gonna be?"

He shook his head. I have never been attracted to men and I never will be. Just the thought was.... Disgusting. I am not homophobic or anything I just wouldn't want to do it myself.

"So, when you driving home today?" I looked at Ryan in confusion. We were leaving on Sunday. Maybe he didn't know that.

"Ah, I'm leaving tomorrow. On Sunday." He nodded.

"Yeah. Today is Sunday." My jaw dropped. I slept a whole day straight?!

*Fitz POV*

I laid there, I didn't wanna get up. I didn't wanna go home. I didn't wanna go to school. I didn't wanna see... Him. Just the thought brought shivers down my spine. I wasn't gay. Even if I was it wouldn't be for Eric.

Eric was a brunette and I was into blondes. Eric had green eyes and I liked blue eyes. Eric was a man and I liked women. I like women. Men are so gross. My thoughts were interrupted by Ryan's loud voice telling Eric to shut the fuck up.

"So, what's the Quota?" I could hear Eric asking.

"You guys have to hold hands in school." Ryan said muffled by the walls.

I rolled out of bed and dragged myself down the stairs, where I could clearly hear Eric's voice. "Well that isn't bad but it's kinda... Y'know... GAY! WHY DO WE HAVE TO DO THIS!" Swagger's fury sent shivers down my spine.

"I agree. This is gay. Literally." I groaned.

"Alright. Give me a reason to do this damn thing." Swagger said. He wanted out. And he wanted it bad.

"10,000 bucks to whoever doesn't chicken." That wasn't even half of what Ryan made in a day.

"Well in that case, Come here hubby! Give daddy a kiss." Swagger said making kissing noises.

I pushed him away flipping him off. This wasn't going to be fun.

*Monday, Mason's POV :p*

'1:50 AM'

I rolled over trying to find a comfy spot. I was anxious to the point that I didn't even jerk off. I wanted to do it but didn't at the same time. Maybe we could be a Poly relationship. I mean... Jaren is kinda cute. But the thought of Jaren even laying hands on John made me furious. I wanted John to myself. No. That's not the right word. I NEEDED John to myself. I have never in my life felt like this about someone. There had to be some meaning behind that damn kiss that I can't get out of my head.

I sighed deciding to check the time again.

'1:51 AM'

Alright. That was it. I was just gonna call the cunt. I couldn't stop myself as I clicked on the man's name. I waited. One, two, and finally, three rings. The frizzy haired man picked up after three rings. "Hello?" All the moisture left my mouth. The groggy morning voice was my clear weakness. I instantly hung up and thought about how much I wished I hadn't done that. I almost threw my phone out of rage. Why did this man make me so weak. Why can't I just get over this god forsaken crush.

Then the phone started ringing. I swallowed hard trying to come up with and excuse to why I called him at two in the morning. I let my finger drop onto the answer button and brought the phone up to my ear.

"Hey Mason. What did you need?" Just John speaking my name made me grow a little hard.

"We need to talk." He needed to know that I wasn't joking. I needed him to know I was serious.

"Sure buddy. What's up?" He acted so damn innocent.

"Why did you kiss me? If you don't wanna tell me it's fine I just can't stand it anymore. It's the only thing I can think about. I have this weird feeling around the lines of I wanna fuck your brains out but I also just wanna strangle the fuck out of you. Oh fuck. I shouldn't have said that. And now I'm rambling and I can't stop..." I inhaled. "Please say something."

"I kissed you because... Because I was high as shit and wasn't thinking." There was no emotion in the others voice. Unlike Mason's which showed every emotion under the sun.

"What do you mean?" I asked in a low voice.

"I mean that it was a mistake. I was high. I'm also with Jaren so yeah..."

"Oh... Sorry I didn't know." The call was filled with awkward silence that felt like it went on for hours but was only around three seconds.

"Yeah. I'm sorry. I gotta go."

"Oh no. It's fine. I'll talk to you later?" I was on the verge of tears.

"Um... I actually think we shouldn't. I'm sorry." John didn't even sound sad. Not even ashamed. Just annoyed.

"Oh... Ok. Bye." I choked out.

I threw the phone across the room. I wanna get wasted. I'm gonna get so wasted.

'2:00 AM'

Grabbing the clock, I threw it out the window before starting my trip downstairs to find the Jack and cigarettes.

*Time skip brought to you by the fact that this story is trash and I wanna die ✌️😙✌️*

*Jays POV*

My alarm blared in my ears and made me slightly miserable. I pressed the cancel button before standing up so I wouldn't fall back asleep. Walking out of my room half naked and yawning, I headed to Masons room to wake him up. He never woke up to his alarm.

The door to Mason's room was open. It smelled of heavy liquor and depression. I gagged at how strong the smell was before walking into the room. It was pitch black. I stayed by the light switch.

"Mason? If ya got a girl in here, you know the drill."

No response from the boy so I flipped the switch. Mason looked terrible. His eye bags were huge and there were empty bottles and ciggie butts everywhere.

"Mason you fucking cunt," I mumbled.

Heyo. I love myself and I love you to. My names supportive Andy and your watching Disney Channel!

A challenge-- Switz FanficNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ