Mason's Heartbreak

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*Swagger's POV*

"10,000 dollars." I repeated to myself for the 100th time today.

"Why do you keep saying that?" My Mom asked in confusion.

"Ryan made a bet with us and I'm gonna win. The prize is 10,000 dollars. Think of all the possibilities."

"Does it have to do with buying a new PC?"

"Yup. Now if you would excuse me, I have to go learn how to build a pc." She glared at me. "Ok. After school then. Cya mom."

"Eric. Did you end up cleaning your room?"

"Nope." I walked out the front door.

*Meanwhile at Fitz's house*

"Mom. I'm sick. Can I stay home from school?"

"No Cam. You're gonna ruin your perfect attendance. Plus your friend is already here to pick you up?"

I looked outside in confusion before seeing Eric's shitty ass car. I grabbed my back pack and walked outside to be met by Eric's smug grin.

"Well... What are you waiting for? Hop in." He was clearly trying to make me uncomfortable... And it was working. Little did the shorter know, the kiwi had a few tricks of his own up his sleeve.

As we drove down the rode I decided it was time.

"Pull over." We were in the middle of nowhere.

"What?! Why?!"

"Just do it." I kept a straight face.

Eric complied and pulled over the vehicle. I stepped out into the open and stretched. I let a smirk cross my face before turning back to Eric.

"Get out of the car."

He once again complied. He walked up and leaned on the passenger side of the car. They stood there for a few minutes before Eric let out a groan.

"What are we doing here?"

"I thought we'd get a couple things straight. Number one. I'm not gay. Don't try any gay shit with me or I'll kick your fucking ass. Two, you know I need this money more than you ever will and I will do everything in my power to get it."

"I'm just playing the game by the rules babe." Eric smirked.

*Swagger's POV*

"You're funny for thinking you can intimidate me of all people into letting you win. I will do whatever I can to win this money and you're tall ugly ass isn't gonna stop me. Now get back into the fucking car. We have places to be."

He frowned before bumping into me and getting into the car. I started the car again and the rest of the ride was aggravated silence.

*Jay's pov*

Mason was drunk as all hell and looked like fucking shit. No way either of us are going to school. I took my phone out and texted Eric before tending to my half dead friend.

I lifted him up and decided on giving him a bath. He just mumbled about how unfair life was and how he was gonna be alone forever. "I assume John rejected you?" We entered his private bathroom.

"Leave me alone," he tried to push off my but was way to weak to achieve his goal.

"If I left you alone you'd either kill yourself or just get more drunk. I'd be a bad friend so instead I'm giving you a bath." Mason whined as I set him down on the toilet.

I shimmied his clothes off carefully, leaving him in just his boxers while the bath water ran. He stated off into space with a blank expression that held little emotion. I felt bad for him. The poor guy didn't even get a chance. The water had reached the ideal temperature so I lifted him into the tub with little struggle. He continued to stare into space the entire time I cleaned him. He even fell asleep towards the end.

"Just leave me. Everybody leaves me."

"Shut up," I lifted him out of the tub and supported him as I dried him off.

"Nobody loves me Jay," he ended that sentence with a gag. I dropped both of us down to our knees before opening the toilet seat for him to vomit up everything he had in his stomach. I ran my hands through his hair in an attempt to make him feel better. It seemed to just make him worse as he cried and threw up at the same time.

After a solid hour of puking, he finally stopped. We brushed his teeth to get the bad taste to go away before vacating his room. I made a mental note to clean it up late since it was gross. It took us a few minutes due to Mason's stumbling, but eventually we made it to my room. I let him rest on my bed for a bit as I jogged back to his room and grabbed him clothes.

When I got back he was passed out. This had taken a serious toll on him. He looked infinitely more skinny than the day before. I snapped out of it before putting on the new dry clothes. I tucked him into the off side of the bed before getting ready to take care of him all day by putting on a random tv drama and chilling on my phone.

He slept for an hour before rolling over and cuddling up to me. I looked at him in confusion before just letting him. I wasn't gonna tell him no, he was already in enough distress. The sleeping went on for a while more before I also decided I was tired. I needed a nap.

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