De Nile is a River in Egypt

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*Swaggers POV*

Did I really wanna go to school? No. Cameron wouldn't talk to me the entire ride to school. He was very clearly pissed the fuck off. I pulled into my parking spot before turning off the car. As he was about to get out I manually locked the doors.

"You can't be a dick to me all day long."

"You're the dick here. Not me," He passed me the wax pen after taking a long hit. He slowly exhaled the smoke. It drifted out of his lips hypnotically.
"Enjoying the show?" He smirked.

I took a longer hit off the pen then slipped it into my hidden sleeve pocket. "I'm not gay. I'm only doing this for that money."

He rolled his eyes. Licking his lips he was about to say something before someone knocked on the window. It was John. As in Mason's crush John. He looked panicked as fuck. I rolled down the window so he could talk.

"Hey have either of you seen Mason? Or talked to him?" He sounded guilty.

"Uh no... Why?" Cameron said.

"He called me last night confessing his feelings for me. But y'know I'm dating Jaren so I kinda told him to leave me alone. Now I'm just... I'm worried about him."

Fitz gave me a concerned look. At that moment my phone buzzed. Everyone stood stiffly waiting for me to fish my phone out of my pocket.

"It's... Jay? He said 'Me and Mason aren't showing up today. Dw bout us. Mason is fucking wasted and I'm gonna take care of him.' Talk about timing."

"Oh thank god. He went radio silent when I texted him and try to apologize. Thank you but I gotta go. I'll talk to you guys later or something." He walked away more relaxed now that he knew Mason was alright.

Fitz smirked. "They definitely boned."

"Mason and John?"

"No you idiot. Mason and Jay."

I shoved him though it had little affect on him. "Get the fuck out of my car."

He burst out laughing but complied as I unlocked the doors and slipped out. The moment we stepped in school, I locked eyes with the one and only Stephanie. Well shit.

She made her way over to me with a smile that made me wanna gouge my eyes out. I didn't even find her that attractive anymore.

"Hey Eric," Her voice was cheerful.

"Uh... Hey Steph. How was your weekend?"

'Small talk. That's all we gotta do then we can make an excuse and gtfo.'

"It was pretty good. Went out and partied. Words gotten out you boys had a slumber party. How was that?"

"It was fine." Fitz responded for me clearly also annoyed.

"I'm sorry. Do I know you?"

"I'm Cameron. Y'know. Eric's boyfriend?"

'Well shit. This is gonna spread fast.' I thought.

"Oh I'm so sorry I had no clue. I didn't know you swung that way Eric?"

"Neither did I." I mentioned through gritted teeth and glared at a very smug Fitz. "If you will excuse us we need to have a chat. Cya."

I pulled him away before she could say anything else. Our first class which was chem. We didn't have many friends in this class besides well... Our good friend Schlatt and his girlfriend Riley.

"Hey guys." Riley greeted. "Heard about your little challenge."

"How?" Cam asked clearly as confused as I was.

"Ryan and I are pretty good friends. Don't worry. Your secret is safe with me."

Cam frowned. "This is so stupid."

"Oh you guys also have seats together. Ryan made sure that all your classes have seats together," Schlatt said.

Money really does get you everything in this world. The entire day was long and boring. Cameron and I barely interacted and all the boys were waiting for something to happen. I doubted anything ever would. He was gonna chicken in the first week. I could feel it.

Nothing exciting happened until Wednesday. Wednesday I woke up early to my phone ringing. I picked it up and saw Cam's name and face plastered on my phone. "Hello?"

"Hey! I'm coming over right now. There's some stuff we have to talk about. I'm like two blocks away. I can sneak into your window."

"What? Cameron. It's 4 in the morning. Nothing can be that important this early." I thought about locking my window but decided against it. I was sort of intrigued.

"Oh trust me. It is." The phone call ended and I rolled my eyes.

Three minutes later the window opened and Cam entered the room. He shivered before kicking his shoes off and planting himself on my bed. "My mom kicked me out," he said.

"Wait what...?"

"Yep she found out we were 'dating' and kicked me out. I won't have a gay son. I refuse it!" He seemed more hateful than worried.

"Wheres all your stuff?"

"In my car. I was wondering if I could crash with you since technically you're the reason I got kicked out." His blue eyes shined in the little moonlight that entered my room. For a second I was lost before snapping out or it.

"Fuck off. Go stay with Mason and Jay," I attempted to roll back over.

"Well your mom said I could live here sooooo, I am. Suck my dick," he laughed.

I groaned before the bed lifted. Soon enough a shirtless Cam was laying in front of me on my bed. I gagged before turning back around and convincing myself to fall back asleep.

In the morning I was painfully aware of every point of contact that Cam and I had. My left foot was touching his shin. My right hand was under his back somehow. And my right thigh was pressed against his dick. I did not want to move and inch so I pretended to sleep. If he woke up maybe he'd move away and then it would look like I had no clue it even happened. I played asleep for what I guessed was an hour before I felt him shift.

He yawned and immediately I felt his morning wood press right up against me. It took everything in me to not throw up immediately. He groaned from the contact before realizing it was my thigh and quickly pulling himself onto his side of the bed. He laid there for a bit before getting up. It wasn't long until I heard the shower start running and knew it was finally safe to wake up.

"Oh my god. So gross. Ick. Uck. Yuck."

My mom knocked on my door waiting a few seconds and then entering. "Good morning honey. Where's Cam?" She sounded nervous.

"In the shower. Why?"

"Oh no reason. I heard- nevermind. I except you no matter what. I made breakfast," she quickly left with a red face.

"Oh my god my mom knows."


Heyyyy... Back from a slight hiatus. Hope this will do well for now. I'll try to update this story again within the next month but don't expect much.

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