A Dare For The Ages

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*Fitz POV*

I sat on the carpet that Ryan had bought for us. It was soft.

Meanwhile, Mason was watching a video on the projector, Toby was curled up in a blanket talking to her gay friends on discord, Matt was staring at the tile flooring, Eric was smelling ketchup, Jay was crying about how he wanted to watch gay porn, and I, Cameron, was sitting in the middle of it. I just laid there, sprawled out and trying to feel as much off the soft carpet as I could. Tripping on acid made the textures more interesting. I was thinking about Mason's whole situation with John and kinda starting to question my existence. They would be cute now that I think about it.

I let out an audible sigh. I was so lonely. I've never had a girlfriend. I've never even had a friend that was a girl before. Well... Besides Toby. But I always longed for touch. I bought a body pillow off Amazon just because I needed to feel some sort of thing next to me. I sat and thought about our purpose on earth. I wanted someone to love so bad. But girls weren't into the good respectful guys. They were into the druggies and the bad boys. The ones who would break your heart in an instant. The ones who acted like they loved you but actually... They faked everything. Just because that the kind of people they are.

And while I'm getting shit of my chest, I have never had an orgasm in my fucking life. Yeah. That's right. I've never even thought of jerking off. It disgusted me. That's a lie. I wanted my first to be special. I got turned on a lot but I just take a cold shower. It was always so much. All the guys got laid. Hell even Mason was getting more play than I was. When would it be my turn to finally love someone.

"Cam?" Mason's voice rang out.

"Hmm?" My eyes shot open. I didn't even realize I had closed them.

"We're gonna play truth or dare. Wanna join us?" He wiggled his eyebrows.

"Sure. I wanna go first though."

"Ok. Then get up here." Swagger said.

"Hmmmm... Matt! Truth or Dare?" I smirked.

"Dare bitch! I ain't no pussy!" I could tell he was nervous.

"I dare you tooooooo... I dare you to text your mom that you wrecked your new Supra."

"Ouuuuuuu!" All the boys said in unison.

"Dude I can't! My mom would kill me." He looked like he was out of it for a second before laughing. "Never mind. That'd be funny as fuckkkkk."

I dazed out for a bit as Matt called his mom and the conversation continued. I was too caught up in the ceiling patterns and how my eyes felt like they were butter.

"Mason. Truth or Dare?" Swagger said as I tuned back into their conversation.


"Tell us about the last person you kissed." Eric hid his smirk.

"Uhm... Do you guys really wanna know?" He looked at me desperately wanting and answer on what the actual fuck to do.

"Yessss!" Everyone said in unison.

I just made breathing motions and mouthed 'tell the truth.'

He nodded. "My last kiss was a really good friend of mine. They have bleached and frizzy hair. Its brown at the roots. They are super hot. But the thing is they were super high when they kissed me. So they probably don't even remember..." He sighed. "I wish he remembered." He whispered it more to himself than anyone else but everyone ended up hearing it anyway.

*Swaggers POV*

My brain started to connect the dots. Mason was either bi or gay and he has a crush on a guy with bleach blond hair. He mentioned the hair was frizzy like. So that means... John is gay or bi or maybe all my friends are gay. Am I the only straight one? What the actual fuck. I looked around at all my friends in confusion before remembering what I saw today. I should tell Mason what I saw today. But what if he ends up being sad about it. He deserves to know, but Mason it bi. Oh my god I'm gonna have a breakdown.

"Mason?" I said.

"Oh I knew it. You guys hate me." I could already see the tears welling up in his eyes.

"No. It's not that at all. Um... I was reluctant to tell you this but... I saw Jaren and John flirting today. Jaren walked away with a blush and John was pretty pissed off that Jaren had walked away because of me. I was so confused until you told us that John had kissed you. Or well you didn't say but you inferred it." I sighed. "I'm sorry Mason."

Mason sighed. "Ya can't win em all. I'll be fine. Let's continue the game!"

It went around for a bit until someone said my name.

"Eric. Truth or Dare?" Ryan said


"I dare you and Fitz to do the gay baby challenge."


Hello people. Here is where it all begins. I don't know about you guys but I'm kinda into the whole love triangle with Jaren, Mason, and John. I personally like Jaren and John together but I thought a love triangle would be thrilling. That being said, it 9:44 at night and I am not a person to stay up late so yeah. Imma go to bed. Good night :)

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