Acquiring the Acid

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*Cameron POV*

School had already ended and we decided Swagger was gonna drive the boys in his car while Mason and I went to get the acid. The dealer we were going to see is a dealer that we had known for quite a while and trusted a lot.

"Hey Cam?" Mason's voice was scared.

"What's up big Maso?" I resorted to his favorite nickname to try and chill his anxiety.

"So you know how I'm hanging out with that one chic? I'm not really into her," He took a deep breath to calm himself down. "I think I might be Bi-sexual." He sounded ashamed. "I also think I'm into John..." He was scared of me judging him. Ever since Mason moved here, the friend group has kinda been like a family to him. With his dad not paying his full amount of child support to his mom not making enough to raise them, he had a hard life.  He, and the entire group had bad parent issues except for Toby and Matt. Their parents had stable relationships.

"Well then I think you should tell him," I gave him an encouraging smile.

"So you don't think I'm weird or something? You're not gonna make fun of me?"

"Of course not! I'm not that bad of a friend. Plus that's not something you can really help buddy. It's just the way you are and I accept you for that."

He smiled. A feeling of happiness came over me. I was curious why he liked John though. "If you don't mind me asking, why do you like John?"

"I don't know. He's kind and chill. He's always there when I need him. And he kissed me once when he was high..."

"Wait! Really?!"

"Yeah. He was high as fuck on weed. He was pouring out his heart to me and then just out of nowhere kissed me. Then he started crying and saying how bad of a friend he was. It felt good so I kissed him again. Then we made out for a long time. Let's just say I have gotten off to that more than once." He smirked.

"Well now you've gone and ruined it!"

He just chuckled and put on his head phones. I hated listening to his nightcore so I turned on the radio. After a bit of driving I got to the meet up place. I could see Jesse leaning against a wall. He was wearing his usual beanie and saggy pants with an over sized t-shirt. As we approached he smiled.

"What up?" He said as I stepped out of the car.

"Nothing much. How you doing man?" We did a bro handshake.

"Good. Sales are sky high my man. How are the boys? It's been a while since they bought from me."

"They've been good. We got a good amount of weed from a friend a week ago and we're still trying to smoke it all."

"Ah. Makes sense. So what are we buying today?" He asked.

"How about an ounce of meth?"

"No. I refuse to sell you that shit. You and your boys are the only clients I give two shits about. That stuff will fuck you up man."

"Relax. I was kidding. Three tabs of acid."

"You guys still doing half a tab each?" He asked as he pulled out the three little bags with a tab each.

"Yes sir. Still getting pretty strong reactions on half."

"Alright. $20, $40, $60. I'll give you three for $50 since you guys are my favorite."

I handed him the money and he handed me the tabs.

"Thanks man."

*Swaggers POV*

We sat on the couch waiting for Cam and Mason to get back. I kept on playing the moment with John and Jaren over and over again. Why was John getting so defensive? Was there something going on between him and Jaren? I really didn't want to think that. I had enough of a shock when Toby came out as trans. It took me like a month to start getting her name and pronouns right. I don't think I could take another person coming out.

"Were here!" Mason's voice rang through the house as the door slammed open.

"Don't slam our fucking door ya dog!" Jay yelled.

"And we brought Ryan! He said he'd trip sit for us so we could all do it." Mason said ignoring Jay.

"Yeah baby. Love you Ryan!" Toby said.

Ryan was the most experienced trip sitter. And he knew how to deal with Toby when she was anxious. Which was good cause she always gets anxious during acid trips.

"Alright. I brought the projector for Toby to watch trippy videos, lemons for Swagger, a carpet for Mason and Matt, and a few fuzzy blankets for your guy's deep intimate conversation."

"AWWW!! You know us too well," Matt said.

"Should we take them now?" Cam questioned.

"Yeah. I think so." I was so excited. Acid trips were my favorite. It was around 7 pm so a reasonable time to get high. We'd probably be up all night anyway.


Ouuuu... Things are getting juicy. We may or may not have a love triangle on our hands. And let me tell you, I fucking hate love triangles. So yeah... Byyyyeeee!

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