A Bad Decision

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(A/N real quick. That is my fanart. Sorry for my piece of shit nokia photo but yeah.)

*Swaggers POV*

I pulled into my usual parking spot. Sighing, I pulled me keys from the ignition. I took one last hit off my Juul before placing it in the glove box. My car door groaned as I opened it.

'Fuck. I'm gonna have to oil that tonight when we get to Mason's.' I thought.

I closed the door opening the backseat door to grab my bag. I needed to find Matt so I could get my phone but instead I caught a glimpse of Cam. 'Bingo!' He towered over the entire class at a woping 6 foot 7 inches. Everyone was around 6 feet tall. Well... Besides me. I'm 5 foot 8.

He glanced my way seeing me too and smiling. "Hey. How's life without a phone?" He grinned his stupid shit eating grin.

I groaned. "Miserable. I mean I can't watch porn. I can't sext girls."

"You're so focused on women," he adjusted his backpack on a shoulder awkwardly.

"Yeah you not being focused on women is 100% your problem. By the way we really need to get your virgin ass laid. You're so depressing sometimes."

"Na. It's fine," He paused. "I don't really care about that stuff anyway."

"Whatever you say... Should we go find the boys? I mean we have like fifteen minutes before class starts."

"I need to stop at my locker real quick but I'll catch up to you afterwards," he gave me a little two finger salute before disappearing back into the crowd. Not really though. You could see his tall ass for miles.

I also needed to stop at my locker so that's what I was gonna do. As I walked up to my locker, I saw my blond friend John. I caught a glimpse of someone else.

(For those of you who don't know who John is it Kryoz)

I watched as he smiled and blushed. He was the kind of person who wasn't really into flirting. At least I've never seen him flirt before. Then someone moved so I could see who he was talking to. Wait a minute...

"Jaren? I thought you went back to Canada?"


"Uh... No. I didn't." He looked embarrassed. "I'll talk to you later John." He walked past me briskly.

"What the hell was that about?" I questioned. Jaren and I weren't on good terms. He stole my gf back in 9th grade. So I fucked his shit up. Let's just say he has a scar...

"I was talking to Jaren. What about it?" He sounded defensive.

"Woah. Bro chill. Ya don't gotta be like that."

"Whatever. I have a class to get to." He pushed past me.

I stood there with a confused look on my face. What the fuck just happened? I stood there in pure confusion for a few seconds before continuing on with what was gonna be a long ass day.


Heyo. Here's a chapter. It's prolly pretty short. So yeah.

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