Ryan P

555 19 17

*Swagger's POV*

Ryan was a little taller than me. He was a good friend of ours and always had drugs on him. A lot of people, and I mean a lot, think he's a drug dealer. The truth is... Is that he comes from a rich family and loves to get high. It's a goddamn miracle that he wasn't doing drugs like heroin and meth. Cause everyone knows that he could afford it.

But anyway. He was a little on the heavy size weight wise. Not that it mattered at all. He just needed a higher dosage of weed to get high. He'd take two edibles while everyone else would only take one. And he'd always win in smoke outs because it took him more bong rips to get up to cloud nine. So, while everyone else was passed out high as fuck, Ryan would be sitting there taking as many bong rips as he could to catch up to our dazed state.

"Alright," I said. Looking over at Cameron I saw he looked scared as hell. Everyone knew that Cameron had never had a relationship in his life.

"Um... What's does that mean?" Jay asked.

"Yeah," Mason agreed.

"You've never heard of the gay baby challenge?!" Ryan asked.

"No," They said in unison.

"Fucking aussies I tell you," Toby said.

"The Gay baby challenge is where two straight dudes pretend to be a gay couple and the first one to chicken loses. The twist is they can't tell the people around them that it's a challenge. The only people that can know are the people in this room right now. But anyway, we give them weekly "quotas" that they have to meet. For instance, the group comes up with the idea that sometime during the week one of them has to kiss the other on the cheek. This is so they don't cheat and just say they are dating or something. Each week we come up with a new quota and present it to them on... Sunday we'll say." Ryan explained.

"Oh. So we could tell them to fuck right?" Mason asked giving a cheeky grin.

"Yes but no. Week one is usually mild stuff. Like a hug or holding hands. It gets harder as time goes on." Toby said.

By this point in time I was staring up at the ceiling. I was reaching the climax of my high and I was tripping tf out. I stood up and walked into the kitchen trying to find the lemons that Ryan had bought.

*Fitz POV*

"So you'll give us our first "quota" on Sunday?" I didn't wanna do this. Yes I was lonely but I'm not that damn lonely. Or maybe I am. Maybe I would enjoy having a companion. I watched quietly as my new "boyfriend" walked out of the room.

"Yea. Also where did Swagger go?" Ryan looked around.

"I think he went into the kitchen. You should probably work harder on being a trip sitter." I whined.

He stood up going to look for Swagger while I looked around trying to find something interesting but I was bored outta my mind so I just decided to head upstairs and go to bed.

*Swagger's POV*

We giggled as Ryan looked at us in confusion.

"He doesn't know!" Jay said laughing hysterically.

We all burst out into a fit of laughter. The hive mind affect was always my favorite part. It was hella trippy and a lot of fun. Essentially all of us were on the same wave length and I loved it. It felt so good.

"Hey guys! I just came up with a new word! Funt!" Mason yelled.

"Oh my God. It's a mix of fuck and cunt!" Matt said.

We all sat there just laughing.

"What the fuck are you guys laughing about?" Ryan asked.

I just pointed at him and laughed.

He rolled his eyes.

*Time skip*

*Still Swaggers POV*

I slowly opened my eyes. I was staring at the bedside table where my vape sat. I groaned before I picked it up taking a hit. I exhaled and smiled. That nicotine really hit the spot.

I stood up and decided I would make myself some eggs for breakfast.

As I walked into the kitchen I saw him standing there. His back was chiseled in just the right way...

Welcome back to my diary. Today I saw a really hot girl at walmart. Her hair was split died white and red. It was ear length. She dressed in a grey flannel and some sweats. She had a ton of ear piercings and this cool necklace. I couldn't stop staring at her. We made eye contact quite a few times and I'm pretty sure she thought I was a total creep. Anyway thanks for listening to my life problems. Next week I'll tell you about the cute gamer girl that lives down the street. Maybe. 🖤🖤🖤🖤

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