~Collection and Harvest~

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AN: This video is just beautiful and a wonder to look at. Also, princesses, so...

"Somewhere inside Sendak's memories we should be able to find the insider information that can give us the key for taking down Zarkon." Allura says as Pidge looks through the data they managed to get from the galra, before he was shot into space by Shiro.

"I don't think your father would approve of us searching through an enemy's memories." Coran comments. The Voltron crew were all still a little shaken up from what happened the other day with the corrupted Alfor A.I.

"I know, but we have to do everything we can to defeat Zarkon." She says.

"Sendak was one of Zarkon's most loyal and trusted of commanders, if there is anything important about the empire, he will know. Even the group I work with struggles to get this kind of information." Blade says.

"What have you got, Pidge?" Shiro then asks.

"Unfortunately, we were only able to salvage bits and pieces of what we managed to get." The green paladin replies.

"That might just be enough." Blade encourages.

"Maybe, but we need something more to work with. Right now, we don't even have a decent map of the empire." Keith sighs, then turns to Blade. "Unless you have one." He said, a little accusingly. Shiro throws him a disapproving look.

"Unfortunately, even if I did, Zarkon's Empire is expanding by the dobosh. It might be accurate for some time, but it won't be for long." The taller man replies.

"A map's basically pointless then, especially considering how long Zarkon has been conquering. I'm almost positive at this point that we could shoot a laser in any direction, and it will hit a galra cruiser or occupied planet." Lana says.

"That's, actually not too big of a stretch I'm afraid." The masked man admits.

"If we could just find some, troop locations, or supply routes, small targets that we could hit-and-run, then we could start to free planets, one by one." Shiro says.

"Can't we just go after Zarkon himself. Take it out at the root." Keith suggests.

"For 10,000 deca-phoebes, that tyrant has been building up his empire. While I don't doubt you, or the castle, I've seen his central command and it's built like a fortress, since he usually keeps the best toys from himself, ready to defend and destroy any offenders foolish enough to attack him." Blade says. Well, fuck that plan then.

"Blade has a point, we won't be able to bring down the entire empire overnight. Hitting him where he lives, in the center of his control would basically be suicide." Shiro agrees.

"Okay, I cross-referenced Sendak's memories with the data we got from his ship back on Arus. Most of it was just garbled mess, but one thing kept repeating in both accounts, something called a "Universal Station"." Pidge reports.

"Universal Station? You mean like the kind of station that controls the universe, or something?" Hunk asks, sticking his head in front of the girl to get a better look at the screen.

"Well, we are translating it from Galra, so it could also be "Galactic Hub", or "Space Base"." The girl says, pushing the bigger boy out of the way.

"I'll pull up the location of your Universal Hub Station Base on our screens now. It might detect something." Coran says, going over to the castle monitor and pulls up the image of two planets and an asteroid, but nothing else.

"So, where is it then?" Lana asks.

"I don't know. Our long-range sensors are unable to detect anything else at those precise coordinates." Coran replies.

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