~Unexpected Allies~

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The Voltron crew were currently down in the medical bay of the Castle of Lions, where Shiro was recovering in one of the cryo-pods. The said man was grunting and his expression pinched, looking almost like he was in pain.

"Is he okay?" Hunk asks worriedly.

"Sometimes, the healing process can cause involuntary brain wave reactions." Allura replies and explains, while Coran was watching over Shiro's vitals.

"Yeah, he looks like he's having a bad dream." The yellow paladin adds.

"He just got blasted by a space witch and mauled by giant lizards. What could be worse than that?" Keith states then questions.

"I wouldn't bet on it. I've seen some strange and horrifying things." Lotor says and Keith turns to him with a suspicious glare.

"Remind me again, why we have a Galra, Zarkon's son apparently, here with us on the castle? And not as a prisoner?" He asked with gritted teeth.

"I assure you, being related to that, monster, is not as glamorous as you might assume." Lotor replies, his tone even.

"Yeah, being related to that guy sounds like a nightmare itself." Pidge comments.

"Keith, I can vouch for Lotor. He is our ally here." Allura states.

"Just because he claims he saved the alteans and has them hidden away in a secret place? How do we know he's telling the truth? And if so, why aren't we going there to see it for ourselves?" The red paladin questions.

"Hothead, we do that, we might end up leading the Galra straight to the last of the alteans in the universe." Lana states. Amue nodding in agreement.

"Besides, Lotor's fine, and I have a good way to keep him in check if he does try anything." Pidge says with her gremlin-like grin.

"Oh!" The said prince exclaims as one of the space critters, a pink one, that Pidge met while in the trash nebula appears behind him. He quickly runs away from the creature, turning to look at it warily while carefully keeping his distance.

"Seriously dude. Little guy here, is the least scary thing we've seen in space." The green paladin says as the said critter flew over to her. Rover himself beeps as the critter bumps him, chittering in apparent delight. Before she left the nebula, the said critter had bumped her and seemed to be asking to come with.

"I'll have you know, that little critter's bite is highly poisonous to Galra. I might be spared somewhat due to my mixed-heritage, but I'd rather not take that chance." He states, flinching as the fuzz ball chirps at him while the onlookers laugh a little.

"Fine," Keith says, being the only one not laughing. "But know I'm keeping a close eye on you." He states to the galra prince, while Lana gives him a disproving look.

"I understand." Lotor says not the least sounding bothered. At that moment, the group heard a gasp and turn to see Shiro awake. The pod opening not long after.

Once Shiro was more coherent and fully dressed, he quickly explained what he'd remembered. Apparently, a galra calling himself Ulaz had helped him escape. Said galra also implanted coordinates in his metal arm to find him. Which was why the Voltron crew were currently down in Green's bay.

"Hmm... I'm not finding any coordinates in here." Pidge says with some machines that she built hooked up to Shiro's arm, looking for the said coordinates. "Are you sure it wasn't merely a dream?" She then asks and Shiro sighs.

"I'm positive. Someone helped me escape." The man said with conviction.

"And he was Galra?" Allura asked, suspiciously.

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⏰ Cập nhật Lần cuối: May 03, 2023 ⏰

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