~The Rise of Voltron Part 2~

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Shiro and Pidge arrive on the planet where the Green Lion was. Pidge was using a device Coran gave them to find the Lion. The two walked for a time through the jungle planet, when they came upon a stream and a canoe with a lion carved into its front. 

Suddenly, a giant sloth like creature appeared next to them. The two yelp in shock, and Pidge scrambles onto Shiro's form, clinging to his shoulders.

"It's just a... whatever that thing is." Pidge says unsure. The sloth walks to the canoe, as Pidge climbs off of Shiro, and motion for them to come. "I, uh, I think he wants us to get in his canoe." Pidge says.

"Then I guess we should go." Shiro says and Pidge looks at him funny. "Hey, I've been locked up by aliens for a year. This is nothing." He says and walks over to the canoe, Pidge follows close behind. They climb into the boat and the sloth pushes them off shore and starts paddling down the stream. Strange creatures chirp at them as they pass by.

"I wonder if Hunk and the Princess are having as good as time as us." Pidge says, totally not jinxing them. (AN: Note the sarcasm)

~Alaina of Voltron~

Meanwhile with said people, Pidge jinxed them as they were flying for their life.

"Hang on!" Lana shouts as she engages the thrusters, trying to escape from the Galra chasing them. Hunk was officially panicking at this point. The alien Princess suddenly nose dives into the planet cannons planning to outmaneuver the ships.

"I thought Coran said these planets were peaceful!" Hunk yells. "Does "peaceful" mean something else in Altean?!" He asks, trying his best to hold back his vomit.

"No! It seems the Galra just beat us here. Hang on, it's not gonna be a smooth ride!" Lana answers then warns, and floors it. Hunk groans.

"Oh, man. I probably should have told you earlier, but I have a major case of motion sickness." He warned.

"Wait, earthlings can sick from moving?" Alaina asked surprised.

"Yeah, when I'm in a tight space that is moving around frantically, it makes me... makes me, puke!" He says, feeling like he's about to lose his lunch all over again. The lion growls.

"Don't you dare let him! I will not have him throwing up in my head again!" Blue growls to Lana.

"Okay, okay." She replies. "You're going to have to hold it for now. Stay strong." She says and maneuvers to a specific part of the canon, where a whole lot of galra forces were. Hunk groans and pulls out an item like Pidge has.

"According to the coordinates, we're right on top of the Yellow Lion." He informs. "It's below there, where they're mining for the ore. They don't even know the lion is down there." He adds as the screen zooms in on a certain cave. "Or maybe they just got here and are digging for the lion? What you think Lana?" He asks.

"No time! You need to go down now and get Yellow!" She replies. "I'm gonna have to drop you down there." She informs and prepares for another nose dive.

"What? Me? Down there? No. No, no, no... I can't do it!" Hunk panics.

"I know you can. Don't worry, I'll cover you." She says and nose dives.

"What if the Yellow Lion doesn't work? What if I can't get into the mine? What if I start crying? Oh, too late, I'm already crying!" Hunk rambles with flowing tears.

"Don't cry. You can make it, I believe in you. Now get going!" She says and drops Hunk onto the surface and covers him as he makes his way to the cave.

Hunk rushes into the caves, hoping on the lift that takes the Galra use to go down and hotwires it to work. The lift takes him down, as marking like the ones found on Earth, light up yellow as he descends. When the lift stops, Hunk immediately hops out and goes over to a lion carving, just as he feels the cavern rumbling.

Princess Alaina of VoltronOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz