~Training Exercise~

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Yeah, if you guys are confused by the chapter, allow me to explain real quick. Voltron in fact has a comic series that is actually canon with the show. I decided to incorporate it in as it was a fun little adventure. I'm not sure I'll write in all of the comics, but I'll defiantly put this one in. With that explained, and out of the way, let's all dive into the comic story.

BTW. Here's the link to the full comic online: 

And the motion comic on YouTube: 

Oh, and if you're wondering about the music, I just thought it was cool and fit. Also, love this show. Check it out on Disney+.

It had been a few days since the Balmera. Coran had announced he was taking the Paladins on a training exercise, though they all decided to visit a bedridden Allura before they leave.

"Is there anything you need before we go Princess One?" Coran asked.

"Coran, I'm fine. I don't need to be doted upon like a--Ah... Ah..." Allura cut off as she attempted to sit up, but quickly lost her strength doing so.

"Easy there, 'Lura. Lie back down." Lana tells her sister and gently pushes her back down onto the bed.

"I guess, I am a bit off-color." Allura admitted as she lays back down.

"Returning life to an entire Balmera is nothing to sneeze at." The orange haired altean man tells her.

"Yeah, just take your time and get some rest. We'll only be gone for a day or so." Shiro added.

"Don't worry, while you're all out training, I'll be looking after the Princess here." Amue promised.

"Alright. Uh... Where are you going again?" Allura asked.

"Coran told us he's going to take us to some kind of Paladin Training Ground." Hunk answers.

"Should be real exciting." Keith said sarcastically.

"Don't worry, Sis. We'll be back before you know it. Though for extra measure, I'll have Jaga here look after you." Lana said as Jaga climbs down off her shoulder and curls up against Allura. "See you soon." The princess finishes with a kiss to her sister's forehead and the older sister smiled at her in response.

After leaving Allura in her room, Amue remaining to look after her, the Paladins all boarded their lions and flew out of their hangers, heading to the coordinates that Coran gave them.

"So where are you taking us anyway, Coran?" Pidge asked the Altean advisor, who decided to ride with Shiro in Black.

"The Karthulian System, the ancient training grounds of the Original Paladins. The planets in the system have a variety of extreme natural environments to test both your piloting skills and your lions' natural abilities." Coran answers then proceeds to explain about the planets.

"The volcanic world of Yendailian is a constantly exploding, requiring lightning-fast reflexes to survive it's deadly blasts."

"It's real hot and will keep you on your toes." Red says to Keith.

"The sweeping blizzards on the ice planet Bluve, will force you to fly blind as you try to maneuver through blue crystal-like spires."

"It's cold and difficult to see, so it's going to take a keen eye to get through." Blue tells Lana.

"Then there are the shifting sands of Niloofar. High winds create moving columns. A living obstacle-course."

"It's a real challenge, a true test of the pilot's reflexes." Yellow says to Hunk.

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