~A Monster Appetite~

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AN: I really love this song and thought I'd share it with you guys.

What began as a training, turned into a race to save Coran by getting a valuable jewel, most likely, in order to pay a 10,000 debt the Altean advisor owed. Their first destination was the planet Krell, where they faced and defeated a giant bug like monster. Only, it looks like it wasn't really a rampaging monster.

"Did that guy just say guardian?" Hunk asked as they disperse and land the lions.

"We'd better talk to him to find out what he means." Shiro says. "But good job working together on defeating the monster." He added.

"We might want to hold on the celebratory." Lana said as they exited their lions.

"What do you mean? We just beat a giant monster." Keith asked and said.

"From what he said, I think we might have made a mistake." The altean replies and explains as they walk to the small aliens who look kind of like blue beetles.

"You don't think they meant that giant bug thing was their guardian, do you?" Pidge asked as said creatures approached them.

"Yeah, maybe we can have a nice meal and sort things out." Hunk suggested as the front most beetle like alien speaks.

"Why did you destroy our guardian?!" He asks frantically.

"Uh, now when you say guardian, do you mean that giant, gross, bug thing?" The Yellow Paladin asked to confirm.

"How dare you!" The bug guy cried in outrage. "Our Guardian protected us from the most terrifying beast in the galaxy, Abomination!" He exclaimed.

"Wait, seriously, another monster. No, no, no, not again. We just finished a fight!" Hunk exclaims. "Anyway, we're looking for the Yalexian pearl." He added.

"You killed our guardian for the pearl? What kind of monsters are you?!" The bug exclaimed in offence.

"We're not monsters, we're Paladins. Those lions you see, they transform into Voltron, defender of the universe." Shiro said, trying to calm the guy down.

"Never heard of it." The bug said bluntly, causing the Paladins to feel dejected.

"Anyway, my name's Shiro. This here is Lana, Hunk, Pidge and Keith. I assure you, we're the good guys." The Voltron leader tells the bug.

"I am Elderbug Blate, the town leader. I'm in charge of keeping everyone safe from squashing... Something you just made much more difficult." The bug guy introduced with a harsh tone, while his fellow bug alien townspeople were all looking at them suspiciously like him.

"Can you please tell us where the pearl is? Our friend's life is at stake." Pidge asked and explained.

"I'm not telling you anything, and I'm the only one here that knows where it is." Blate replies and refuses with a cold tone.

"What if we defeat your monster, this Abomination." Keith offered.

"How can we possibly trust you? You've doomed us all!" The chief rebuffed.

"Hmm? What's that smell?" Hunk asks, smelling something in the air.

"We know you're scared, but we will protect you." Shiro promised.

"Why should we trust you and your robot felines?" The bug asked and rebuffed. "Maybe we should be seeking revenge..." He said in a bit of a sinister tone.

"That smell..." Hunk said and began following the source of the fragrance.

"Please sir, we promise we meant no harm. We didn't know that creature was your guardian. If we'd known, we wouldn't have killed it." Lana tried to soothe.

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