~The Cold Depths~

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AN: This band is amazing, plus this song is incredible and really fits in with the upcoming adventure here. Also, we've officially hit 8,000 readers! 

As the wormhole broke down, the lions and paladins were tossed from the Castle and through the vortex. The Blue and Yellow duos were shouting as they fell from the sky down towards a frozen ocean, breaking through the ice over it and sinking into its dark depths.

"Ugh... Hunk? Hunk, are you alright?" The altean princess calls worriedly, hearing a retching sound in response.

"I'm fine... Sort of..." The Yellow Paladin replies with a groan.

"You sure you're okay? You don't sound too good." Lana asks concerned.

"Yeah, as well as can be considering we just got tossed out of a wormhole at light speed, then crashed into a frozen ocean." Hunk replies with a groan. "Sorry, for throwing up in your head by the way, Yellow." He then apologizes to his lion.

"Can't really complain. I'm pretty sure if I had a stomach I'd be hurling too." The said lion replies back with a groan.

"Quiznak... Blue's main system is down. The crash must have dislodged it." Lana says while trying and failing to restart her lion. "How are you doing?" She asks Hunk next.

"Negative. We're stuck on reserve power. Yellow and I are pretty much, dead in the water." Hunk replies then jokes.

"I'll say..." Lana agrees, clearly not getting the joke, causing the human to pout. "Where even are we?" The altean girl questions.

"Yeah, I'm just as shocked we hit a planet. I thought Pidge said space was 90% empty." Hunk comments as they continue to sink.

"Unexplored more like it. We have no one idea what's out beyond the data that we have. You usually have to see it to know what." The princess paladin says.

"Earth and its knowledge of space beyond our solar system in a nutshell." Hunk says, just as the lions touch the ocean ground. "Coms are down too, looks like we're gonna be stuck here a while." The Yellow Paladin sighs.

"For now, we need to check over the damages and get our lions running again." Lana says next and manages to restart Blue's systems this time. "Phew, Blue is back online. Welcome back, girl." The altean says.

"Good to be back. Luckily, water is my element. How about you, Yellow?" The lioness replies then asks her lion sister.

"Doubt it, I'm horrible in water. I might be stuck here for a while." Said lion replies, her paladin sighing as he was having trouble getting her back up and running. The Blue Lion rises up and turns on her light.

"What the-?" The princess says when she spots something in the light's vicinity, but it disappears before she could get a better look. "Hunk, did you see anything just now?" She asks her fellow paladin.

"Uh, not really? Why?" The human replies.

"I think, I saw something." She says and turns her lion, catching a glimpse before it swims out of view, again. "Weird, it looks almost like an alteanoid, but it had a fish-like tail in place of its legs." She describes.

"Wait, a mermaid? You're saying you saw a mermaid?" Hunk asks surprised.

"What's a mer-maid...?" The altean girl asks him.

"It's a type of mythological creature on Earth. Supposedly, mermaids, and/or their male equivalent, mermen, are creatures that live in the sea with the upper body of a human, but instead of legs, have a tail of a sea animal, usually a type of fish." Hunk quickly explains.

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