~Memories of the Gladiator~

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It was a new day on Arus, the Paladins as always, training hard, ready for a fight. Non aware that a huge one was coming their way, courtesy of the Galra Empire.

"Great job training today guys. We're really getting the hang of Voltron." Shiro says as they head into the dining room after they finished training for the day.

"Indeed. Though, I am surprised how far Blue and I kicked that Galra ship. It might come in useful for future battles." Alaina says.

"Yeah. It'll come in useful alright, when the Galra challenge Voltron to a soccer match." Keith retorted.

"A what? Is that some sort of competition on Earth?" The Altean girl asks confused. Keith groans, because of course she didn't know what soccer was.

"Your kick threw us off our balance. We almost fell." He added.

"Technically, part of that was Hunk's doing as well." Lana pointed out.

"Hey!" Hunk yelled as he sat down and takes off his helmet.

"Alright, save your energy for fighting Zarkon." Shiro broke it up as he himself sat down at the table. Just then, Coran came into the room.

"Hello, Paladins! How was Voltron training?" The advisor asked as he approached, carrying what looked like an alien food platter.

"We're getting there. Are you, Allura and Amue almost done fixing the Castle so we can leave the planet? I feel like we're sitting ducks here on Arus." Shiro replies then asks the man. Surprisingly enough, Amue herself came into the room at that moment and went over to Alaina.

"Just about." Coran said as he put down the platter on the table. "In the meantime, to get your minds off those duck seats you're worried about, I made you guys an authentic ancient paladin lunch!" He exclaims and removes the lid, only for everyone to groan in disgust, including the other two Alteans.

Whatever it was, it did not look like food. It looked like a giant blob with smaller blobs oozing out of it, and it was steaming a disgusting odor. Borderline, it didn't look the slightest bit edible. At all.

"Coran, you just got me hooked on that green goo, now you're switching it up?" Hunk says.

"This is packed with nutrients." Coran replies. Hunk leans over and smells it.

"Oh, it smells disgusting!" The Yellow Paladin exclaims. Coran leans over himself and takes a whiff, only he seemed to actually like it.

"I know! That's how you know it's healthy!" The advisor says.

"Coran, we're on a planet with fresh herbs, spices and, whatever this thing is. A tuber?" Hunk said as he showed Coran some plants he picked up. "Now if you'll excuse me, I'm going to head back to the kitchen and spice things up." He said and went straight to the kitchen.

"Where's Pidge?" Shiro asks when he notices the young Paladin wasn't with them.

"I believe the Green Paladin is down in the medical bay, checking on the prisoners rescued from the Galra Cruiser. They should awakening soon." Amue answers. Shiro stands up from his seat, most likely going to check on Pidge, when Coran, with a fork of the blob, came to him.

"Open the hatch. Food lion coming in!" The advisor said, holding out the fork like a parent would to a child.

"No. Just... just no." The Black Paladin said in disgust as he avoided the food and walks away. Coran then turns to the others with a glint in his eye.

"No way Coran, I'm taking Blaytz's advice and refusing to go near that, whatever that is." Lana states strongly.

"Oh, well. You don't know what you're missing." He said and, to everyone's horror and disgust, stuck the piece a blob in his mouth and began chewing.

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