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This was bad. The Paladins had just taken out the Galra forces who controlled the Balmera, but now there was a new threat. A coffin like object that had fallen from the sky. The same kind as what fell to Arus and opened to reveal a monster inside.

"Oh, no!" Pidge said.

"Not again!" Green said.

"Please tell there's not another giant monster in there. Please tell me it's empty! Or is full of space candy. One of those, either in fine." Hunk begged.

"I try to stay positive, but I doubt we'll be that lucky." Yellow said mournfully.

"I don't think it's a piñata, big guy." Keith said.

"A what? What's a pin-atta?" Lana asked confused. Keith sighed.

"In any case, if it's anything like the monster back on Arus at least we know how to deal with it." The red paladin continued anyway and proceeded to insert his bayard into its slot and activate Voltron's sword, while Pidge activated Voltron's shield. The mighty defender got into position, ready to fight.

"Hold your ground." Shiro says and they stay still. Just then, the coffin opened to reveal the creature inside. It wasn't like the first one however, it was tall, lanky with long flat arms dangling from its sides, and overall had lizard like design. The thing seemed to activate and spotted Voltron. Its chest began glowing, then a green laser shot from it, hitting the shield and pushing Voltron back.

"It's not candy!" Hunk shouts.

"And it's not the same monster as before!" Lana says as Voltron moves off the laser blast.

"We need to draw it's fire away from the Balmera's surface!" Shiro said. The giant robot flew forward, dodging and deflecting the monster's laser attacks, while also attacking but having little success in damaging it. It shot another laser, once again hitting the shield.

"We can't take much more of this?!" Lana says.

"Green is weakening! Anymore, and we'll lose the shields!" Pidge says next.

"Exactly! We take any more of this!" The Alien Princess adds.

"Lana, look out!" Keith warns as Blue slides and trips over a stump in the ground. Voltron falls back, the laser blasting the shield into two, causing them to fly away.

"Okay, Team Voltron, disband!" Shiro says and they disassemble back into their lions and fly back up. "Everyone, evasive maneuvers! It can't shoot us all at once!" The leader instructs, but just as he says that, the thing spreads its arms and even more lasers shoot out. "Okay. Scratch that. It can." Shiro says while evading.

The thing shot its thousands of lasers at the Paladins and their Lions, when it was then hit by a beam from the Castle as it descends upon the Planet. The monster turns its attention to them, one of its eyes rolling to the side of its head and shoot another laser out of it, hitting the Castle.

"Where in the universe does Zarkon even get these monsters?" Amue asks as she holds on from the impact.

"More importantly, how do they keep finding us?" Allura asks next.

"Princess, the particle barrier won't last much longer. It's still not fully recharged from the blast of that Galra ship." Coran informs. Back down with the Paladins, and with the creature, Shiro had come up with an idea.

"Keith, try to draw its fire! I'll come in from above!" He says.

"Roger!" Keith replies and flies down and under the monster, blasting it with Red's fire laser. The monster turns its attention to Keith and unleashes its lasers, while Shiro comes up behind it from above. But as he approached, the thing's eye literally rolled to the back of its head and shot another laser at him. Shiro barely managed to dodge in time.

Princess Alaina of VoltronWhere stories live. Discover now