~Castle Take Off~

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It was officially a day after Sendak's defeat and the take back of the Castle of Lions. Everyone was down in the medical bay, all hovering around Alaina's pod. She had been out since the explosion, but seemed to be getting better.

"I can't tell if she's healthy or not." Hunk said.

"I think she's breathing weird. Or that might just be an Altean thing." Pidge says next, her face smushed against the pod glass.

"Oh, come on!" Keith got impatient and reached out to touch the pod, but his hand was smacked away by Allura.

"Not yet! Just a few more ticks." The older princess says.

"How much better is she going to get in a few ticks?" The Red Paladin asked, then folded his arms and pouted. Really, the only way to describe it.

"And what exactly is a tick?" Pidge followed up, pulling off the pod.

"You know, a time slice." Allura replied.

"Like a second?" Shiro, who remained quiet through the exchange, asked.

"What is a "second"?" The Altean Princess asked confused.

"Like this." Pidge said, having pulled out a device that displayed a clock, counting the seconds.

"I'm not sure. I think ticks are bigger." Allura says and turns to the other Alteans, the two monitoring the younger princess's condition. "Coran, Amue, do either of you have a ticker?" she asks.

"Yes. Right here Princess." Coran replies and pulls out his own odd device, most likely said ticker.

"I think ticks are a little slower." Hunk says.

"I can't tell." Pidge says, looking between her clock and the ticker. "We need to start at the same time." She adds and both her and Coran reset their timers

"Okay. Ready, and go!" Coran said as they both start their timers with everyone huddling around watching.

"Yes! I think we're winning." Hunk says excitedly.

"Winning what? The intergalactic time-measuring competition?" Keith asks.

"I guess...?" Amue says, though it sounds more like a question. As they were focused on the, uh... "clock-off", Alaina's pod opened and the second princess of Altea stumbles out and over to them.

"What's with all the ticking?" She asks drowsily, surprising everyone.

"Aw, man, Lana you... Lana!" Hunk says and hugs the Altean girl.

"Thank the ancients." Allura says and joins in the hug.

"Huh? What happened?" Alaina asks as her sister and new friend let her go.

"We can explain all about it. But first, we need to get you something to eat." Allura replies.

"Sounds good. I'm actually pretty hungry." The younger princess says.

After Amue helps Alaina change, they meet up with the rest of the team in the dining hall. Where they explained about the explosion, Sendak taking over the castle, and how they got it back, along with a new crystal. All the while, Lana ate the food goo Amue gave her.

"You'd be Sendak's prisoner now if not for Pidge." Allura says.

"Well, you wouldn't be alive now if it weren't for Hunk and Coran." Pidge adds, while Lana gives some of her goo to Platt and Jaga, then turns to everyone.

"Thank you everyone." She says then turns back to the mice and cat. "Though it sounds like our little friends here did the most perilous tasks." She said and pets the mice then scratches Jaga under his chin, all preening from her affection.

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