~Eye of the Beholder~

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AN: I'm totally obsessed with this song and am not ashamed of it. It's awesome!

After a long and eventful journey, the Paladins of Voltron have arrived at the evershadow of the Krell Moon. Finally they would get the Yalexian pearl and be able to save Coran. Though now the issue was to find where the pearl was and the Yalex monster that convenes it.

"Stay vigilant team. The Yalex could be anywhere." Shiro advises as they land.

"Or anything. That Sphinx guy didn't really us a whole lot of detail to go off of." Keith comments.

"It must be some sort of giant oyster. I mean, to save Coran we need to harvest a pearl so..." Pidge says next.

"Considering all the trials we've faced on this journey, I'm honestly not sure what to expect next." Lana says.

"If that Yalex is an oyster then maybe if we take it back with us to the Fripping Bulgogian they could fry it up for us. That would make this whole nightmare worthwhile." Hunk adds.

"Let's just focus on finding it to save Coran. That will make this all worthwhile." Shiro says next.

"Hey, look. Down there." Pidge suddenly exclaims and everyone looks down to see something walking below them. "Do you think that's the Yalex?" She asked. The mysterious creature seems to notice them, but just continues walking.

"I'm not sure that's the creature we're looking for. But it might be a local who can help us find it." Lana says

"Let's find out who it is, but be ready. I have a feeling we're going to need Voltron before all this is over." Shiro says and they quickly follow the alien. "Okay, let's set down over near that mound over there." The Black Paladin suggests.

"Masks up, guys. My scans say that the atmosphere here is extremely toxic. Looks like some kinda underground methane reserve coming out that hole back there." Pidge advises. The Paladins then proceed to land and step out, making sure their helmet masks were up and walk up to the alien.

"Hello, excuse me." Shiro calls, getting the creature's attention.

"Have you come for the Yalex?" The alien asked, his voice muffled from the gas-mask looking device on his, long face.

"Yes. Do you know where it is?" Shiro replies then asks.

"And what it is?" Hunk adds on.

"Yes. Where, what... and when." The mysterious alien replied. Huh? "Follow me." He says and leads the Paladins into the mound, revealing it to be some sort of monument, one with breathable air inside.

"This is the temple of the Yalex." The alien said as he rose up from four legs to two, and removes his mask and cloak. Revealing him to be some sort of camel looking creature. Along with others like him in the temple too.

"There don't seem to be of you here to all this grain." Shiro says.

"Oh, we did not do it alone. The rest of our people left the moon and returned to Krell after the growing season ended, only the High Priests remain. We shall stay here and devote our remaining days to bring about the Yalex." The camel-like alien, a High Priest apparently, explains.

"Uh... Why are they chewing the grain and then spitting it into those jars?" Keith asked, directing to the camel priests who look like they were eating the grain, but then spit it out into weird gourd-like pots.

"Here we dry the grain then masticate and store it in the cuspidors. When they are full, we carry them to eye of the ever shadow and pour it in." The priest replies then explains.

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