Kyoya Ootori x reader PART 2: A Genuine Smile

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Here is the part 2! ^.^


Reader POV

I was serving the guests tea and distributing the snacks. There were way too many girls here, and almost all of them fawning over these idiots. At least Kyoya wasn't hosting girls. I went to walk over to him and was stopped by Cato, a boy from my Algebra class.

"Cato, what are you doing here?" I smiled and looked over at him. Once he saw my outfit his nose began to bleed. "I-I was wondering if you were taking customers, a lot of us guys were!" I went to answer him 'no' before Tamaki came up behind me shouting, "Of course she is! (Y/N) take your customers to the vacant table by the window!" He shooed us off and I looked over my shoulder at Kyoya, walking to the table.

"So, why did you come to this school?" One of the boys asked. A crowd of them had started to form. "I got in by scholarship, and I heard that this place was a great school to attend, so I took the entrance exams and passed." I explained. "What's your favorite thing at the school?" I couldn't help but notice that Kyoya seemed to have stopped typing on his laptop, he was listening, but he didn't dare look this way. I couldn't help but to stare his way. "The Sakura Trees, they're absolutely beautiful." I turned my attention back to the boys. Soon it was time for the club to close.

"Miss (Y/N), would you care to join me on a walk through the school's garden to discuss some thing?" Kyoya asked. "Sure." With that we walked out of the school building. "I wanted to ask you if you'd accompany me to a family dinner. My father has insisted on my brothers bringing their wives and so he asked me to bring my girlfriend. Though, I am single, as you can tell s-" I cut him off. "So you want me to pretend to be your girlfriend for the night?" "Yes, that is correct. Do this for me and I'll cut your debt by 2 million." "Kyoya, I'll do it, but don't cut the debt. Right now, I'm doing this as a friend."

Kyoya's POV

Stab. Friend? What the hell is that supposed to mean?! What am I thinking? Father would strictly forbid me to show up with a commoner! She doesn't look like a commoner though. She's beautiful. Why am I thinking these absurd thoughts?! Focus, Kyoya, remember the plan. "Say, (Y/N), I may need to take you shopping, if you show up in your commoner clothes who knows what'll happen."



Kyoya sure is a bit on the judgmental side when it comes to clothing, though the dress was gorgeous. I stepped up to his front door and knocked. Kyoya answered and oh my gosh he was hot! I felt the heat rush to my cheeks "Come on in, (Y/N)." I nodded and followed him inside.

Kyoya put an arm around my waist and directed me to a room where his family was waiting. I saw his 3 brothers, and his sister. Then at the end of the table, I saw an intimidating looking man. "Ah, Miss (Y/N), take a seat." This man was Kyoya's father?


There will be a part 3 to this. Thank you all for reading and feel free to request a character!


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