Kyoya Ootori x Reader: A Genuine Smile PART 3 END

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After dinner, Kyoya offered me a walk in his family's garden. "Thanks for tonight, (Y/N). You played the part well." He started the conversation.

"Oh, thank you. I'm surprised myself that I could pull it off as well as I did."

What the hell am I saying? How do I tell him I like him without completely ruining my life! What am I thinking? He'll probably just turn me down and ignore me for the rest of my existence.

"Well, maybe I don't want you to pretend anymore. Why don't we try this relationship for real?"

Oh. My. Gosh. Did I hear him right?! Did Kyoya Ootori just ask me to be his girlfriend?! Probably not! Maybe I've gone insane and it messed up my hearing or something. What if this is all a dream?! And next my cat becomes invisible or mad! I must have lost it because I'm thinking all of these absurd  and I am completely debating with myself in my head like a mad woman with a really hot guy standing right in front of me!

Little did I know, my face had become flustered. What snapped me out of my thoughts was a laugh. A pure and utterly perfect laugh. I looked up at Kyoya and he looked like he could die laughing at any minute.

"What's so funny? What did I miss?"

My questions only caused him to laugh harder. He clenched his stomach as his laugh finally died down.

"You. That's what's funny."


"Yes, you."


"Oh, (Y/N), you are too cute."

With that he pressed a kiss onto my lips. My eyes widened in shock. After a second or so, I kissed him back. The kiss continued for a few moments later until he broke the kiss. My face was as red as Tamaki's rose.

"I like you."

"I like you too."

Then I saw something. So frail, so beautiful it could make the world stop spinning. His smile, a genuine smile.


There, this story is finished! I hope you enjoyed it!


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