Lies Mixed with Kisses

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"Hey guys, sorry I'm late, I had trouble parking the car" I heard Shawn's joyful voice entering the room

I am just going to walk off, and just do what she says. I couldn't risk anything at this point, I can't just let her get away with it either"Hey Shawny" Laura put on a fake smile and greeted him

"What I interrupting something" He asked pointing at the two of us

I shook my head vigorously saying no "We were just talking about you" Laura smirked in my direction" Don't forget if you do as I say I won't tell" She whispered in my ear

"I am going to go to bed now, um night"I ran off into my room and flopped


"Are you avoiding Shawn" Emily caught up with me "It's been three days since you guys talked, and like actually talked" I wasn't planning on telling Emily, only because it would make things worse.

"No, why would you say that" I looked around the park and saw the boys still slowly walking, and Shawn laughing beautifully, as always

"Don't lie to me Elliott" She stopped me in my tracks and made me face

I don't know if I should tell her, what if she tells the others then what will they of me, me and Shawn had a moment together and it was perfect

But he has a girlfriend, making me a mistress, mistress are like sex buddies I didn't do him or anything

Lets focus on something more happier

Matt, Shawn, Nash and Cameron decided to go to the park and play our weekly game 'Slap ass Friday'

Girls against Boys, which was completely unfair, two girls four boys

I had managed to hit everyone but Cameron, me and Cam were always enemies

I only got hit by Matt once, it was painful as shit

"I will tell you later promise, but for now we have to keep moving" I switched the subject

"True, they are like ninjas, Cam and Nash are coming for me I saw it on their game plan" We both started picking up our pace

"Wait then who has me" I turn my head to try and find the four boys but they are no where

I then switch my head to behind us, my eyes quickly widened and Emily and I broke into a full sprint

They were running straight for us

Since the boys were taller they were gaining on us

I could then hear Emily scream meaning that she has been taken

Knowing I will get no where but in the playground, I make a dash into the playground and hear Matt laughing along with Shawn

Sliding my body into the slide half way, I can hear them stomping

"Where is she" I hear their voices from below

"I don't know I saw her run into the play ground" I hear Shawn

"Tell me traitor where is she" I hear Cameron ask Emily

I take this short living time to pray, last week, Cam left a hand print on my butt he hits hard and for Nash, he's a killer

"Wait are those legs" I silently curse and feel hands grab me legs down

Literally trying to scramble back up, I totally fail and start to slide down

Shawn was holding my leg and my thigh, sending me dirty feelings

"Found her" He grins in triumph

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