Save Me

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Today was the day, when my boyfriend. Shawn, would be performing on New Year's Day, I can't believe it's been two months! He's been practicing for two days straight, but I wouldn't count the kisses and food breaks he had "You ready" I smile at him

I have complete faith in him, I know he can do this, even though it takes him 40 minutes to get ready. "Ready as always" Shawn replies "Oh and I want you to meet someone" He took my hand and led me somewhere down the hallway. He led me to room with the name Nick Jonas on it and Shawn's name, he opens the door and there he is my childhood crush

"Oh my god, he's Nick Jonas, oh my god, that's Nick Jonas" I shrieked grabbing Shawn's arm and jumping up and down "He was my childhood crush of my fucking god, its Nick Jonas"

"It's great meeting you, this kid never stops talking about you" Nick smiles and looks at me

"Yeah we all know that" Shawn blushes "Anyways I remembered when you told me you loved Nick, I wanted you to meet him"

Wait a second, nobody ever knew I was madly in love with Nick Jonas, I was kinda a freak then about him!

"How'd you know I was madly in love with Nick Jonas" I start to hold Nick's arm like a creeper and inhaled his rich cologne. Nick Jonas!

"I liked you when you moved in, so I like went into your room and read your diary" He scratched the back of his neck with a large blush on his face

"Woah what, why... nevermind" I shake my head

I wrote a lot of shit in there


"Mom why are we moving here it's cold" I shiver

Tomorrow is my birthday, I will be turning 13, and Mom and Dad had bought a new house

"Because sweetheart, we couldn't stay in our old house anymore" Dad spoke opening the trunk filled with boxes of different sizes

"Plus there is a boy next door, maybe you guys will get along" My mom interfered

I looked over at the other house which looked like our house, then I spot a boy sharpening sticks, they almost look like wands

Maybe he likes Harry Potter, I start to walk over to him and tilt my head

He looks up and smiles at me, "Hi, I'm Shawn" The boy named Shawn held his hand out in front of me to shake

"Hello Shawn, I'm Samantha but you can just call me Sam or Sammy" I take his hand and shake it "Are those Wands"

"Yeah how'd you know" He sat back down and looked at me every now and then

"I watch a lot of Harry potter" I smile pushing a lock of hair behind my ear

"Seriously, you do? So do I I've never met a girl who likes Harry Potter" He gasped

He is kind of cute, but not Nick Jonas cute, me and Nick are going to get married but he hasn't called me yet. Well basically me and Shawn ended up talking to each other for almost an hour, he taught me how to carve sticks and make them into wands

But I could tell we weren't going to go out, Nick Jonas would dump me for real though

Deear, diary

Its really fucked up for me to develop a crush but funny enough, the kid next door is kinda cute, Nick might break up with me but he has no choice but to love me

"Shawn, never read my diary again" I punched him lightly while laughing

"What'd you write in it" Nick chuckled

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