Ellen's Confessions

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Today, is the day when Shawn is going to be on the Ellen show, and he forced me to come with him, So we both decided to wear the same clothes, red flannel, black jeans and brown combat boots. Right now, at this very moment, Shawn and Ellen are talking about his special girl. The conversation with him yesterday was really getting on my nerves, Madison is perfect but I'm not, she's like everyone's perfect girlfriend, it just made me mad how I didn't notice it at first!

Worthless, my mind echoed in my head

"So Shawn, fans have been telling about a girl, that you like like" Ellen bit extra empress on like like part 

He blushes deeply then bit his lip and smiled "You are right, she's perfect in every single way" He grinned, I missed the smile he had everyday when he was with me. A usual feeling crept onto me, it was depression mixed with jealousy. Madison Elle Beer had it all, the looks, the fame and the somewhat voice she's just a thot on walking land. I started to be pushed onto the stage, I didn't even realize Shawn had called me out on the stage, Not knowing what to do I did what I do best, which is be the awkward, sarcastic Canadian I was

The man leading me towards the middle of the stage left, telling me to sit next to Shawn, and I did as told, I felt like a fish on land out of words and scared of dying, "Hi Samantha, can I ask you guys a few questions" Ellen stares at me with a straight face

"I guess so, ask away" I smiled awkwardly, Everyone who is everyone surprisingly loves me, Demi Lovato even loves me, she likes my awkwardness and her boyfriend/fiance Emiliano is ridiculously funny. I could feel him burning holes in my face, it felt weird

"Is it true you are Shawn's best friend" She questions me as I turn and meet His ongoing gaze

"I wouldn't say 'best friend' I'd say best friend until you die and we become ghosts type of thing" I laugh jokingly and the crowd laughed along

"Okay, tell me one thing you love about each other" She pointed at me first

Me and Shawn both look at each other and grin devilishly

I scoff loudly "That's a long list do I have to pick just one" its actually true, there are a lot of things I love about Shawn" I snap my fingers and feel a light bulb over my head " I love how when we are eating muffins and there's one left, and we both see who can take the biggest bite out of it and he always ends up winning, he's a cheater" I ramble on doing weird hand movements causing the crowd the burst out into laughter

"I am so not a cheater, you take like 2 bites thinking I don't see you" He fake glared at me, elbowing my stomach

"I do not" I rolled my eyes "I just have huge lips and it looks like that"

"The thing I love about Sam is when she is sleeping she has her headphones on and I can hear her listening to my music" He smiled at me "Also when she's home she tends to dress up like, I wouldn't say a hobo but a lazy child who just doesn't care" This smile wasn't like the old ones, this one had joy and excitement in it, it felt weird but I liked it, I liked it a lot

Even though I am on live television, I could care less, I am falling for Shawn again "How can you hear that" I gasped placing a hand over my heart, I could feel a strong blush coming onto my face

"I sleep right next to you, and its on like full blast, loser" Shawn rolled his eyes chuckling

"No I don't, dork" I pouted and glared at him

"Okay, about the girl now, Why don't you call her on the show and ask her out on a date" Ellen laughed at the two if us

He's going to call Madison, When did he even have her number anyways!

"But, you go to a different room and do it" Ellen suggested pointing backstage

Shawn nodded and grinned then walked off the stage into the back, the screen turned to Shawn walking in a hallway "Okay, I will give you hints about the girl, I'm not going to tell you though who she is until I call her" Shawn said walking a bit slower

"For one, she has brown hair, she's funny and she can sing" He stepped into the room and pulled out his iPhone 6 plus, He looked really happy and excited, things were going to change. As in change, I mean I'll never

This would be the moment that he's going to ask Madison out, I should be happy for my friend not wishing he was mine

I shouldn't be selfish, I should help him try and get his perfect girl even though I wish it was me

It started ring, each ring made me want to start crying, but then I felt a vibration in my back pocket

I quickly took out my phone and the caller ID read Shawn


Herro guys, sorry for the late night updates this is short as fudge

Well enjoy the cliff hanger, see ya next Tuesday!

At the top that's what they both wore but it's just Shawn e.e

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