Oh the Fun!

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Shawn was right about telling me to run once we got back home, he had chased me around the house for 30 minutes while I tried to run behind Nash my so called brother totally helped me, All he did was kiss my whole entire face with honey on his lips making my face become sticky and sweet

Now, Shawn and I had talked about going to Canada again to see our parents for Christmas eve

He was having a concert with Nick on New year's, and after we would both go out to eat and then hangout with our friends

I haven't seen my second best friend in forever, Annabel Lee, I've been friends with her for almost 13 years I've been with Emily longer

I love Shawn's family, they treat me like a second daughter there

Holding Shawn's hand wasn't the only thing I love

**Shawn's POV**

Samantha, This girl was stuck in my head if I wasn't with her I was either playing my guitar or eating a muffin

She was better then Laura, All Laura wanted was sex and fame, or just something else as much as I cared about her in our past relationship she didn't care one bit, but I am grateful for the one I have now Sam is perfect, her long wavy brown hair with beautiful deep blue ocean eyes to match, I have to admit she is beautiful, but her personality is perfect to me she may be a little weird at times but I will say it is cute

"Hey are you okay" I hear her ask me snapping me out of my thoughts

"Yeah I am, just excited" I answered back looking into her amazing eyes

"I can't wait to see Mamma Mendes again" She jumped happily

Our moms are what you call, best buds, they have become so close they tell us to call them Mamma Elliott and Momma Mendes

Her smile is brighter than the sun

No matter where I go she will always be on my mind

You need a muffin Shawn

No, stop it I had like 4 this morning

Dropping my long arm around her shoulders, she looks up at me and still continues to walk

"Are they're anymore muffins" I shift my guitar case more over my back

Sam gave me a dead look "No Shawn, you being the greedy butt you are, ate them all"

Damnit I want blueberry muffins

"Damn, I'm sure your mom made shitloads" I walk a bit faster so we can get there on time

She's so cute when she tries to catch up with me she knows I'm a giant


"Hi Sammy baby" I hear my mom yell running in her black high heels. We were both all red and snowy they snow in Canada is real, no joke so much snow

"Hey Momma Mendes, I missed you so much" Sam hugged my mom. I was kind of shocked, they acted like best friends who haven't seen each other in a month, Scary

"Shawn, My little boy" Mrs. Elliott comes in and hugs me too "Well my, you've been growing too fast, you used to be 5'11 now you are what... 6'3" She laughs

Also growing in different directions

"I missed you too Momma Elliott, you guys are getting shorter" I chuckled hearing Sam laugh with me too

"Today is Christmas Eve, Enjoy it all of us are going to pick up some stuff for our Feast, so you kids will be alone for an hour don't do anything dirty in the house" My mom warned us

Uh oh, I don't know if I can do that, being alone with Sam, I might not be able to control myself around her especially ALONE

The things I did to her on our first date, were unbelievable, but the things I'd do to her now....

"Oh okay, don't worry Mom's" Sam blushed a little hugging the both of them

"Hey guy's" My dad hugs both of us

"Okay see you kids then" They both walk out the door with Dad, This is going to be bad, I can feel it

"Wanna watch TV" She suggested

"Sure" We both ran up the stairs into my room and crashed on the bed she already knows my room better than hers

So she grabs the remote and turned on the television "I want to watch Christmas movies" She pouted

"Fine with me, I am happy with you" My top lip brushed her ear a little

She laughed nervously and stretched herself out to where her feet were beside me and mine the same

Of course, giving me that view of her behind, giving me a creepy feeling down below, Stop Shawn Jr

The movie played on and Samantha kept on moving, each time she moved her jeans would get a bit lower showing off her bright pink underwear

Now, she made the final movement, Sam got up and sat down next to me and snuggled into me, I could feel her radiant breath on my chest, her steady yet fast heart beat thumbing

"You okay Shawn" I got kicked out of my thoughts and back into reality

"Yeah I'm fine" I answer back into her worried eyes

I plant a small yet soft kiss on her pink fluffy ones, then pull back, truthfully I didn't want to use her

I didn't want her thinking I was some type of man-whore

Her blue eyes sparkled with joy and she quickly kissed me back, now I think I was going to completely lose it, eagerly she climbs over me straddling my torso, I take the lustful moment and deepened the kiss to turn it into a full blown make out session

Attaching my hands to her waist, I feel her hands undoing my shirt and feel myself doing the same to her

A strange force starts to grown down below my pants, I clearly know what this is

Taking over power, I stop the kiss and throw her on the bed and crash my lips into hers once again while holding her hands above her head

The sweet taste of honey and vanilla filled my mouth, lowering my hands down more I hear her let out a loud moan

Is she that effected by me

"Hey Sammy" A girl barges through the door, we all let out a scream and the girl covers her eyes "Virgin eyes" She repeats

Probably the tent in your pants is scary as shit, Shawn

Sam and I separate instantly and fix our clothes once again

"Hey Annabel, we missed you" Sam blushed like a red bean

Bitch, I thought



Well yeah sorry I forgot Emily, she is coming in later, your welcome for the cockblocker Annabel Lee

Farewell guys!- Preciouselliott

Falling for Him [ Shawn Mendes ]Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ