Going Away.

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Today was probably the day, I lose the love of my life. He's going on tour today, what if he finds someone else who's perfect, what if he leaves me because he can't do long term relationship, or even worse he leaves me because he doesn't love me anymore

I could feel tears brimming my eyes "Sammy, don't cry I'll be back before you know it" We reach the point I have to let him go

"I-I'm scared you are going to leave me for someone who can actually make you hap-" I was cut off a hug

"Don't say that, I am not going to leave you, we are going to do that long distance relationship thing, how can I find someone better to love that'd mean I have to restart with someone else" His beautiful soft brown eyes gaze into mine "Sammy, I'm in love with you I will never want to let you go even if I tried I still couldn't how can you now tell how madly in love I am with you" He chuckled

"I more madly in love with you than you are with me, remember to text or call me once you get to Toronto" I kiss his cheek

"I will, and if I call you when the concert starts you better pick up or else I will spam you" He was still holding me

"You gotta go, I don't want you missing your flight okay" I took another sharp intake of his chocolate cologne. We both let go of each other, and gaze just for a little bit longer

"Okay, bye baby I love you" With that he waved goodbye and I did the same leaving me heartbroken

"I love you too, bye Shawny" I yell back at him

There he goes

Waking up in the middle of the night screaming isn't my thing, until now. It's been a week since I've seen Shawn, it's been three days since I talked to him. Now Cam sleeps next to me, just to keep me calm it's been working just not that well

"It's okay Sammy just relax" He holds me

"It's okay, I'm sorry for all the stress I've been giving you" I mutter into his chest

He chuckles a bit making his chest vibrate "You don't causing me stress, I just want you to be okay". I feel like Bella Swan, waking up screaming and crying because of Edward and her dad was thinking about taking her back to her mom but I hope none of that happens


Waking up the next morning calming opening my eyes to Cameron's warm chest, I carefully listen to his soft going heart beat, I miss him so much, My hair was probably a mess, maybe I should dye it blue or some of it blue "Good morning Sammy" I heard Cams deep voice alert me

"Morning Cammy" I rubbed my hand on his smooth skin

"What are you doing" He chuckled, I started to play tic tac toe on his abs, obviously my left hand won! Lefties where y'all at though

"Can I hangout with Maggie today" I asked looking up at him. Maybe me and Mags can dye our hair together, I want my tips blue or dark blue

"Why are you asking me, go ahead, plus I have another date with Kayleb" I noticed him grinning

He must really like her, she seems cool I guess even though I barely know her

"You really like her don't you" I smile lightly

"I do, Sammy don't worry, he's fine I'm sure he's not going to find someone like you" We both exited the bed

"Thanks for staying with me again" I looked down at my bright blue toes, hm k got small feet

"Shut up, its okay now go and get ready" He pushed me towards my closet

I should stop sulking and get out there


Me, Mags and Annabel decided to dye our hair, Maggie took dark purple I thought it made her hair look gorgeous, and Annabel picked pink tips which made her look like a goddess walking out of cotton candy land. Then me, I got a mixture of blue and light blue, I look like a river fairy

"Carter is going to love it, I swear you look fine" Annabel reassured Maggie

We were currently inside the food court enjoying out lovely food

"Okay, but if it looks blue I'm changing it, no offense Sams" Maggie inspected her hair in the light

Rolling my eyes, "It's fine Mags" I place my hand on her shoulder

I wonder what's up with Jg and Madison "Do you know what's up with Gilinsky and Madison" I asked taking a long sip out of my root beer

Haha. Root beer, Madison Beer? You get it, no... okay

"They are just flirting alot" Maggie was now on her phone, probably texting Carter. Truthfully they are cute together and I want them to make beatuiful babies and I'll be the godmother

I wish I could text Shawn, but he's probably busy

"I bet you they aren't gonna go out" Annabel gestured towards me

Seriously, as much as I don't like her I'm pretty sure they are going to date, I need to call him about that because I have a feeling its not going to go well

"I bet you they are, five dollars?" I hold out my hand for her to agree

She takes my hand and shakes it, "Deal, he's smart enough not to do it" Maggie just starred at us

"Okay I'm in, he is going to date her" Maggie strugged

Anna rolled her eyes, and continued eating her food, like the nerd she was

My backpocket started to noise, making me jump, making the girls stare at me oddly


I haven't heard his voice in ages and I was going to lose my fucking cinnamon if he didn't call

Instead it was the one and only...



I got good news guys, THERES ANOTHER BOOK! Series

I have decided to make a series, the next book is called Missing Him [ Shawn Mendes ] if you can't find it just go to my profile and go under 'works'

There are some big fuckin surprises in this shit bro so next week Wednesday I will be ready to publish my first chapter of Missing Him!

Okay bye guys

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