Thanks Annabel

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I knew this was a bad scene, with Shawn hovering over me and the tent in hid pants which is literally bulging out and my shirt was exposed

"You know, continue with that just come downstairs when you guys are done" Annabel ran out of the room

This isn't awkward at all

With his body still hovering over me, his lips come close to my hear and whispers "Want to finish what you started"

As much as I craved this feeling he was giving me I had to decline, someone is inside the house

"No we can't" I blushed at his lustful comment

What is he going to do with THAT  thing

"I can't go out there like this" He blushed heavily pointing to the large tent in his pants

Oh lordy, its um....

"Think of old man tits" I slid out the door

"Thanks, I have that image implanted in my head now" I heard his frustrated voice

I jog down the stairs to see Annabel laying down on the couch, Annabel is basically like my twin, we almost look like each other but she had black hair. "You guys clearly got something going on don't you" A smirk appeared on her face Well obviously we had something going on, he was almost about to slide his hands into my dms

"Yeah, we are dating" I blush fidgeting with my awkwardly large fingers

"Do you like like him" She smiled happily, I do, he is my everything my air, my light and my breath, I will admit I'm falling hard for this boy, its not common to stop

"He's my everything, I don't ever think he's like other guys because I know he's not. He is sweet, kind, gentle and words can't explain how I feel about him, the best part is his smile I get a chance to see it everyday more than some people do" I smile at the memory of how I officially met him and became his friend


"Hey I know you, you are the girl that I met" He runs up to me

How do I always end up meeting this dude, even though he's gorgeous I am not going to fall for him not in a million years

"You again you must be stalking me" I classically roll my eyes

"You are umm... really pretty" I stopped dead in my tracks, Is he trying to flirt with me, its cute he can't talk to a girl but seriously. I find this overly cute too

"Are you flirting with me" I turn and face him with an annoyed look

"I can't talk to girls t-" Shawn got interrupted by 3 really hot guys, too bad they weren't as hot as him

"Hm, who are you" A brown haired boy asked me, with crystal blue eyes starred at me

"Is this the girl you've been talking non-stop about" A blonde haired cute boy nudged Shawn

"Hey if he likes lay off unless she's free, I'll be glad to slide into your dms on Twitter" Another boy smirked and winked my direction

"Listen losers, I am not a booty call, or a hooker off 1-800-slut, I am just a normal girl trying to find her friend" I snapped at all of them

"Can I have your number at least" My eyes averted back to Shawn who was currently pouting like a cute n shit child, I groaned unattractively and got out a pen and took his arm and wrote the numbers down

Falling for Him [ Shawn Mendes ]Where stories live. Discover now