Chapter 11

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Chapter 11


Eleine was silent until they arrived back at the palace, she ignored Alexi which he accepted without incident; she disappeared off to her room where she sleep for several hours. Upon waking up, the Queen, her mother was looking at her.

“What did the Empress want?” her mother asked

“She wants peace, she claims the Empire will fall if it goes to war with us. But she warns of an attack in months, here in Penin” Eleine said without emotion. The Queen stroked Eleine’s head and nodded.

“Isn’t the Empire falling a good thing?” She asked her mother. The Queen sighed “As much as they’ve made us their enemy, they are still people, and their people should not be allowed to suffer for the actions of their leadership. If the Empire should disband, we will assist the breakaway states.”

When the Queen left Eleine to return to sleep, she found the Commissar standing outside her room like a Royal Guardsman would.

“You’re not a guard, you have no need to do that” she said, the Commissar turned to face her.

“I was waiting for you, I would like a word in private, your majesty” he spoke firmly, the Queen was taken back but accepted. She led him to a meeting room in the western section of the palace near to where he had first met her. Inside they sat. The Queen sat facing the Commissar.

“Speak freely Alexi” she said informally, he swallowed.

“I know it’s obvious that the Princess and I are becoming close. But I’d prefer if that didn’t stop me knowing everything that is going on, some information will be necessary and if I’m out of the loop, I might get me or my men killed”

The Queen’s smile continued. “You weren’t chosen out of the blue Alexi. Two years ago I requested an audience with the Red Guard leadership; I informed them that Ruben Nevin had become almost intolerable in his policies against the north. I genuinely feared reprisal. But when they arrived, they showed no anger, no spite; you had simply carried on. I admired your Northern brethren. I made a request that soon I would sent my son Yuri North to gain an ally. The Guard watched all non-party members for three months, and you were chosen.” The Queen paused.

“You were to start off as a pawn to some degree, but now you are a friend and ally. My daughter is falling in love, my son has found a true friend, and this country has found a new hero. You were kept out of the loop, but you must understand I’m no military tactician.” Alexi nodded

“Today I requested you be permanently stationed in Penin with fifty troop to lead and an officer to assist you. They will be station in the new barracks attached to this palace, this is part of a plan to spread our military across Konokov, IKA bases are currently being built in the North and Red Guard bases in the South. Together we are uniting Konokov.” The Queen finished, Alexi smiled and nodded.

“I apologise you majesty” Alexi looked at her.

“No need Commissar, I will add you to those I wish to see in meetings of a military stand point” the Queen replied. The Queen decided not to tell Alexi of the news of the impending attack. She would leave the task to the security services.


Fecél landed on the landing strip hours later, the sky was dark and filled with stars. She walked down the steps from the aircraft and looked into her husband, the Emperors eyes. She smiled and walked with his. There were only two guards, both walked along casually.

“So, how is our breakaway state?” Gilren asked, his voice was edgy

“Fine, they are stable, united. A war would not destroy them, and attack on the Royals would only drag their allies into this.” She responded.

Allies, Konokov’s allies were numerous, the southern continent, home to the Federation. And to the Federation’s west, the Alliance. The Alliance was a firmly libertarian nation. It had once gone to war with the Federation and lost; only after the Council of 7 made a peace deal with the Federation. The result was a political coup d’état in which the incumbent government were removed by force of Federation bombs, and the Council of 7 took control. The council were the seven election officials from the seven states of the Alliance, once a month they met inside to sole government building inside the rebuilt capital where they discussed the issues affecting the Alliance. Since the rebuilding of the capital, the city had become half the size, the economy had become entirely commercial.

“I understand the Federation as a threat” Gilren said to his advisors. “But the Alliance, those Libertarian fools barely have an army” he felt arrogant.

“No national army, but due to political and economic alliances, all former Federation soldiers who enter to private sector sign a joint defence agreement with the Alliance, whilst not on deployment, they defend the Alliance” his advisor said frankly. Gilren sat in his government car, his wife sat next to him. His advisers gathered into a separate vehicle. Fecél leaned over kissed her Emperor, she opened up her clothing and straddled him again.


The car stopped outside the Royal palace, the guards’ jumper forward and pointed their weapons. The door opened slowly and hands in the air and politician in his early thirties climbed out.

“Eren Talba, Konokov Party!” he shouted as the guards calmed themselves before waving him in. he panted as he rushed through the corridors. He knew Yuri and Stefan were away at present, leaving only the Queen and Princess Eleine within the Palace walls. He darted around for a while, few maids were around and the guards left corridors unguarded as they only led to various rooms. Finally he heard a door open and leapt round the corner.

“Commissar!” he shouted excitedly, he must be with the Queen. The Commissar looked at him curiously

“We have a big problem” Eren gasped for air. The Commissar remained silent. “The Freedom party is claiming Ruben Nevin is unfit to lead u Konokov, they’ve blamed his lack of initiative on the border attacks months ago. A young candidate, Alison Tomah claims he didn’t press for IKA troops to set up base within the Northern territories fast enough.” The Commissar sighed.

“The Queen is in here” the Commissar held the door and followed him in. Eren told the Queen everything, including a revelation that elements of the Konokov Party were about to turn against him; to which she looked on with solomn.

“If he loses the Konokov Party, he will be forced to resign as party leader and call a new election, he could run for Prime Minister as an independent” The Commissar told an odd look.

“Surely he needs a party to become Prime Minister?” the Commissar asked.

“No, if he chose to run as an Independent, electing independent candidates to parliament would elect him; they would create an “Independent Party Council”, like a political party but with official affiliations.” The Queen explained. What she lack in military know-how, she obviously made up for in the political structuring of Konokov.

After the meeting, Eren disappeared back into the city. Penin was at its usual a calm rush; Eren wondered back toward Parliament with an eerie feeling. It was odd to know so much whilst those around him knew little.

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