Chapter 3

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Chapter 3


Ruben Nevin sat proudly in his office chair. He wore the middle class standard grey woollen suit, his hair combed back. He had recently risen to leader of the Konokov Party, Konokov’s only nationalist party. He rumbled through paperwork, two new laws signed into motion by the Committee of Independents’; both referred to commerce and both were of them Ruben had voted in favour of. A small buzzer sounded. Ruben jumped in his seat “Telegram incoming” his secretary spoke through the on-desk intercom. His eyes shifted to his right where a small machine inbuilt into the desk itself began to buzz as it printed the telegram. Once finished he pulled it from the machine and read it immediately.

Incoming news from the Federation. The Royal Family of Konokov has confirmed its return to Konokov via the Southern City of Ruik. The Telegram was more of a news item than something personally sent to him, it waffled on about how it had been two years since Konokov had gained Independence and was now recognised as a sovereign nation. A Federation will escort the Royals to the edge of Konokov territory where the newly built Konokovan Navy will escort them to Ruik. The next text was bold, this was a personalised segment to Ruben himself, he assumed every standing politician would have received one. The Royal Family will arrived on the eighteenth of this month, you are requested to meet them at the Ruik Tourism dock at five-thirty in the evening. That was it. His beloved Royals were returning, his face wore a gleeful smile. He looked up across the hall and his smile face, the Communists were….they seemed to be arguing, or were angry. They were about to lose their beloved “Republic”.The thought flashed through his mind, they were a threat to the Royal family, and communists didn’t like Royalty. He paused for a moment, the idea was absurd, the Royals were a national icon; the communists wouldn’t dare remove them.

It was the fifteenth, was walking through Parlianment building in the government sector. It was quiet almost no one was in the building at four am. His strolled round the corner and found three communists in a deep whispered conversation about the Royal family. “Morning gentlemen” he spoke, the communists yanked their head toward him “Just a few more days till our Royal Family returns to the throne” he smiled; the communists gave weak and forced smiled, Ruben felt concerned. He waved and walked on “Love live Konokov and her Majesty” Ruben said clearly “Yes, Love live Konokov” the communist spoke firmly together…but didn’t mention the royalty. He felt deeply concerned. He didn’t want to believe it, but he couldn’t continue without any action to protect the Royal Family; he decided he’d adopt security measures into his election manifesto to defend the Royal Family from any threat.

It was a warm summer evening in Ruik. Thousands had gathered to see the Royal family take their first steps into Sovereign Konokov. The chilling breeze lightened the mood as the crowds cheered the incoming vessel flanked on each side by a Navy Cruiser. An IKA soldier handed Ruben a pair of Binoculars which he instantly peered through and instantly lowered them “My lord, Konokov has a beautiful queen” he peered through them again. “Prepare for landing” a voice bellowed across the dock and several soldier of the newly formed Royal Guards (Part of Ruben new defence policy) stood in the dock awaiting their Queen to meet them.

The ship docked and the anchor plunged into the bay water. The crowd cheered as the Royal family departed the ship waving at them, Ruben and the other politicians were moved to the jetty where the Royal Guard would walked the Royals past them and on toward the Royal Palace. The Queen stopped before him. “I hear these Guards were your idea” she spoke. Ruben bowed his head “Yes your majesty, security checked volunteers” Ruben explained, The queen continued to look at him “Yes, the Empire remains a threat, we must remain vigilant” Ruben noticed his chance “Not only the Empire, the Communists to, they prefer a republic, not Royalty” The Queen raised her eyebrows “I see, but I’m sure you will handle it…Ruben Nevin isn’t it?” Ruben smiled, “yes your Majesty, and yes I shall”. He noticed young Prince Yuri Reyik was glancing over to Berra Mehun, who was looked at him with a concerned look. Yuri then looked at him giving him a similar look. Yuri would need to be convinced, he was the eldest and the Heir to the throne.

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